
Discussion in 'Software' started by Eldon, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    What is the purpose of this application?
    It's located in the Windows folder, the file name is SwUSB and the description is Switch USB2.0/USB3.0 for WinXP SP2+ ~ Win8. The service is RunSwUSB.
    It installed with a netis Wi-Fi transceiver (dongle).
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    This was a guess posted elsewhere
    I'll keep looking to see if I find anything useful.
  3. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

  4. Imandy Mann

    Imandy Mann MajorGeekolicious

  5. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I did find this site but it doesn't explicitly say what it does.
    Yes. The Wi-Fi transceiver uses a Realtek chip. I also thought it has something to do with USB3/USB2 compatibility but, the packaging only refers to USB2.
    I disabled it prior to posting this thread.
    I'm just curious what the purpose of this application is.
  6. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    It says: "The process known as RunSwUSB belongs to software runSW Application by Realtek Semiconductor ("
    "Description: RunSW.exe is not essential for Windows and will often cause problems. The file runSW.exe is located in the C:\Windows folder. Known file sizes on Windows 10/8/7/XP are 36,864 bytes (76% of all occurrences), 44,104 bytes, 48,856 bytes or 44,760 bytes. [​IMG]
    There is no file information. The program is not visible. The runSW.exe file is not a Windows system file. RunSW.exe is located in the Windows folder, but it is not a Windows core file. RunSW.exe is able to monitor applications. Therefore the technical security rating is 52% dangerous, however you should also read the user reviews."
  7. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I did read all of that.
    I'm refering to SwUSB, not runSW.

  8. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    It's the same software though.
  9. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

  10. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

  11. Imandy Mann

    Imandy Mann MajorGeekolicious

    Can you find the number of the chip? RealTek has some extensive data sheets might show some capability/ need for this.
    Also try opening the file with 'pilotedit lite' or such to see any data strings or comments.
  12. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    It might be part of the RealTek control panel software - with wireless connections you either use the default Windows CP, or you switch it off (opt out of using it) and use the OEM tools. Alt. as already mentioned, this could be a compatibility patcher, ensuring the USB 2 device will work correctly when connected via a USB 3 port.

    I can't test anything from here, I only have a PCIe Realtek Wireless (onboard), no USB. Checkout any Realtek folders in Program Files/AppData for a setup/install log, or an inf file for further clues.

    Not sure about the Neuber software, I'll look into that later.


    So it detects (allegedly) but to remove any malware you have to buy it - that's my translation of the wording.
  13. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    All I can find is Realtek8723AU.
    This is also what I'm thinking.
    Unfortunately I cannot test it as my PC only has 8 USB2.0 ports.
    Nothing. Only netis & Cisco folders.

    I plugged in the Wi-Fi dongle, connected to the mobile modem, and I opened the netis USB Wireless LAN Utility whithout issues. The latter, under Status, shows USB Mode USB2.0.

    Thanks for helping me out. :)
  14. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Okay, and no useful log, etc. in the Netis folder?

    I grabbed the Intel driver zip: and found some traces of it in the ISS_Release.txt file, here's one snippet of some older fixes patched in:

    InstallShield V1.00.0202  (2012/12/14)  
         SWUSB.exe : V500.1004.1214.2012
      1.Modify Scanadapter can't detect PCIE card issue.
      2.Modify swUSB.exe be removed issue.
    InstallShield V1.00.0203  (2013/01/14)  
         SWUSB.exe : V500.1006.0114.2013
        RtWlan(Win7/Vista):V700.1662.0111.2013 (By Jacken)
         RtWlan(XP/2003):V700.1662.0111.2013 (By Jacken)
         RtlIhvOid(Win7/Vista) : V1.1025.103.2013
      1.Always install/Uninstall switch USB function.
    InstallShield V1.01.0203  (2013/01/16)  
         SW_USB.exe : V500.1007.0115.2013
    InstallShield V1.03.0204  (2013/01/31)  
         SwUSB.exe : V500.1012.0130.2013 (By Karl)
      RtlIhvOid(Win7/Vista) : V1.1026.123.2013 (By Karl)
      ScanAdapter.exe V1.0.0.4 (By Jacken)
    InstallShield V1.00.0205  (2013/02/05)  
      RtlIhvOid(Win7/Vista) : V1.1027.205.2013 (By Karl)
    InstallShield V1.00.0206  (2013/02/07)  
      support install power table (By Karl)
    InstallShield V1.00.0207  (2013/02/20)  
         RtlLib(Win7/Vista)¡GV700.1095.220.2013 (By HPFan)
    InstallShield V1.00.0208  (2013/02/26)  
         SetVistaDrv : (By Karl)
        SetVistaDrv64 : (By Karl)
       Modify for Uninstall Driver issue.
    InstallShield V1.00.0208  (2013/03/11)  
        SetVistaDrv64 : (By Karl)
        Modify delete .sys for  install/Uninstall  Driver issue.
    InstallShield V1.00.0209  (2013/02/27)  
           RtWLan.exe(XP/Win7/Vista) : v700.1663.226.2013 (By Vincentc)
          RtlLib.dll(Win7/Vista) : v700.1096.226.2013 (By Vincentc)
          EnumDevLib.dll(Win7/Vista) : v700.1038.227.2013 (By Vincentc)
    InstallShield V1.00.0210  (2013/03/06)  
           RtWLan.exe(Win7/Vista) : v700.1664.305.2013 (By Vincentc)
    InstallShield V1.00.0210  (2013/03/06)  
           RtWLan.exe(Win7/Vista) : v700.1664.305.2013 (By Vincentc)
    InstallShield V1.00.0211  (2013/03/18)  
        RtlIhvOid(Win7/Vista) : 1.1028.318.2013 (By Karl)
        Modify add exceptions for U2/U3.
        RtlLib.dll(Win7/Vista) : v700.1097.318.2013 (By Karl)
        Fix BSOD for setting Default Gateway
        RtlLIB(WinXP/2003): V500.1373.318.2012 (By Karl)
    InstallShield V1.00.0212  (2013/03/22)  
        RtlIhvOid(Win7/Vista) : 1.1030.320.2013 (By Karl)
        Fix because Driver not ready caused Connect profile Fail for Win8.
      RtWLan.exe(Win7/Vista) : v700.1665.322.2013 (By Karl)
    InstallShield V1.00.0213  (2013/04/8)  
      Supporting WLAN+BT installation in Win7. (By Vincentc)
    InstallShield V1.00.0215  (2013/04/24)  
        WPSProt : V1.0.0.2
        SwUSB.exe : V500.1013.0329.2013 (By Karl)
        Fix because Driver not ready caused Connect profile Fail for Win8.
        RtlIhvOid(Win7/Vista) : 1.1030.401.2013 (By Karl)
      RtlLIB(WinXP/2003): V500.1374.402.2013 (By Karl)    
      RtWLan.exe(Win7/Vista) : v700.1667.422.2013 (By Karl)
      RtWlan(XP/2003): V700.1657.422.2013 (By Karl)
      RtlLib.dll(Win7/Vista) : v700.1098.424.2013 (By Karl)
    [Install Driver]
      Fixed can't delete Driver .sys file for WinXP
       Update :
         SetDrv : 400.1206.402.2013 (By Karl)
         SetDrv64 : 400.1206.402.2013 (By Karl)
    InstallShield V1.00.0216  (2013/04/30)  
      Support show U2/U3 Message. (By Karl)
        SwUSB.exe : V500.1015.0430.2013 (By Karl)
    InstallShield V1.00.0217  (2013/05/03)  
        SwUSB.exe : V500.1016.0502.2013 (By Karl)
    InstallShield V1.00.0218  (2013/05/09)  
        RtlIhvOid(Win7/Vista) : 1.1031.508.2013 (By Karl)
        RtWLan.exe(Win7/Vista) : v700.1668.508.2013 (By Karl)
        RtlLib.dll(Win7/Vista) : v700.1099.509.2013 (By Karl)
    InstallShield V1.00.0219  (2013/05/13)  
        RtWLan.exe(Win7/Vista) : v700.1669.513.2013 (By Karl)
        runsw.exe : V1.1003.514.2013 (By Karl)
    InstallShield V1.00.0220  (2013/05/16)  
        SwUSB.exe : V500.1017.0516.2013 (By Karl)
    So, just from the first section, it looks like it's part of the UI and it's for connection type detection?

    If the WLAN utility only triggers it when it's connected via USB 3, you can't investigate much more. Rename the file extension to .OLD and forget about it, in a few months/years, someone will necro the thread to tell us what it's for :D

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