Scsi Nightmare

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by sevenko696, Nov 4, 2007.

  1. sevenko696

    sevenko696 Private E-2


    Several years ago, I built a SCSI machine with 3 HDs and a SCSI CD Rom. Installed both Windows 98SE and Linux on it. I was running fine, and then my motherboard died.

    About 2 weeks ago, I bought a new motherboard and installed it, then reconnected the HDs.

    The unit has an AMD Slot A 700 processor and a Diamond FirePort SCSI adaptor.

    The adaptor recognizes all 3 drives, but I cannot format any of the 3 HDs, and I cannot run Scan Disk on any of the drives.

    I can Fdisk the drives and the drives are then recognized correctly, but when I try to format them, the computer just freezes at different points in the Scan Disk process. It also freezes at various points in the Scan Disk process.

    I have also tried to format the drives with Ontract and it also freezes at various points in the process.

    I cannot believe that all 3 HDs died at the same time, from just sitting on a self for two years. But because this is my first excursion in the world of SCSI, I have no idea of what the problem may be.

    Is there anyone kind soul can give me an idea of what is wrong and how I can correct it?

    Thanks to any kind soul who takes pity on me.

    Charlie :cry
  2. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's. start a new thread in the hardware forum.


    that is the best place to start..

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