Second try

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Frogleap, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. Frogleap

    Frogleap Private E-2


    Somehow I lost my previous text before I could finalize and send it [and with the same stroke my login status], but now I'll have another go.
    As I already was trying to say: I'm not only totally new here but at any forum at all - which explains easily the silly mistake I made. Moreover, I'm a relative newbie at computer usage as well because I have my laptop since only about 2.5 years and from necessity I'm completely selftaught - albeit under guidance from a distance by a well versed friend.
    However, my faithfull guide and guardian is rather ill in hospital at the moment and temporary out of reach. So, like many others before I come here with a little problem that I could'nt solve on my own, for which I will post a new thread ("Monstercookie") in the malwaresection later on.
    I'm male, 64, single, a sociologist, retired with some minor healthproblems. I very much look forward to participating and learning here - all the while sincerely hoping/trying not to be too much of a nuisance to anybody. Regards etc.
  2. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Hi, and a very warm welcome to the forums :wave
  3. rustyjack

    rustyjack MajorGeek

    Welcome to the forums ! :wave
    I don't think anyone could ever become a nuisance in this place just go ahead and ask away they're all very helpful people and never get sick bcos we all learn a bit more day in day out and you'll find that everybody very friendly !
  4. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Good day, Frogleap. Welcome to MajorGeeks. :wave
    Glad to see you. You couldn't be a nuisance if you tried. Everybody here has patience in abundance and know that all PC users have their own level of expertise. You are not alone in being a newcomer to the world of computing. Seven months for me. :-D

    Plenty of sociologists of sorts here, too. You need to hang around the Off Topic sections when you have fixed your issues. You'll have a blast in there. :major
    Good luck with the malware removal.
  5. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG Frogleap:wave I am sure you will enjoy your self here, and don't be a stranger. We were ALL newbies at one time just like you! :-D
    there is a TON to learn here, and LOTS of fun at the same time... We are all learning something, because one never really stops learning..

    Glad to have ya join us!;)
  6. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Correct on that TC.
    The day you stop learning is the day you close your eyes for the final time.
  7. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Yes, I am afraid you are correct, hrlow2, I stand corrected... Sorry I missed the time limit on editing... :-o
  8. Frogleap

    Frogleap Private E-2

    Greetings to all!

    Well, what can I say: I'm overwhelmed really. Thanks guys and I do feel welcome indeed.
  9. KathyM

    KathyM Master Sergeant

    :wave and welcome Frogleap :) You have come to the best puter forum around!! You will learn tons as well as make alot of new friends :)
  10. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  11. Frogleap

    Frogleap Private E-2

    Hi again! After properly thanking all new posters, I just want to state that I desperately try to post a New Thread to the MalwareRemovalSupportForum but always fail to do so, because after hitting the Submit-new-Thread button I'm redirected to the loginpage after which I encounter a BulletinMessage that states my posting failed BECAUSE OF the fact that I logged in again while submitting. Talk of catch-22! Go figure... Anyone care to explain this business????
  12. DevGeek

    DevGeek Private E-2

    Hmm,logout,then login try posting :)
  13. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Should be like here
    1 Click on "New Thread" button
    2 Write out your post
    3 click on "Submit" button at bottom of box.

    Just remember to NOT bump after posting. Will not get you attention any faster. Does the opposite.
  14. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Odd. Have never heard that one before.

    Do you have ccleaner installed on your computer (thinking you might since you are submitting a new thread in malware and it's one of the steps in the Read and Run Me First thread).

    If so, try logging out as the previous poster stated, run CCleaner to clean your cache, then try logging back on.
  15. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    I had that problem a while ago. It's due to inactivity while writing a long post. Was advised to click the 'remember me' option when I logged in. (Thanks, Halo.) Worked beautifully. Never had any bother since.
  16. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    Always check the small square that says "remember me"on the login and if you are using Firefox it should ask you "do you want FF to remember this password"check ÿes

    Welcome to MGs
    I would have said "you have tried the rest now try the best" but you got here first try. Congratulations.
  17. Frogleap

    Frogleap Private E-2

    Thanks to all those who replied. Here are some very short answers:

    1. I always checked the little 'remember me' box, so that can't be the real problem (I think). But I noticed that I couldn't 'carry over' my login status while switching pages or forums and had to renew my login procedure every single time I moved.
    2. Meanwhile, it so happened that I also tried to post a new thread here in the WelcomeCenter to explain all this in a bit more detailed fashion, and failed to submit here as well.
    3. Being quite inexperienced at posting at all, quite slow in typing and not too well versed in the use of the English language [for not being a native speaker], it is perfectly conceivable that the rather long time-period I need to formulate these posts could have influenced the demise of the loginstatus due to 'inactivity' at times. I'll remember to regularly recheck my status before hitting the Submit button. Hope that will help a bit.
    4. Long before I discovered this MGForum I already was employing Ccleaner on a daily basis and I regularly run the 'clear browsing history' facility of IE8 as well. So I don't expect any difficulties from that side of the fence.
    5. Bumping is only possible after one has posted at least something, and I wasn't able to do so as of yet. Since it turned out that I'm not permitted to post private messages (need at least 50 postings to be able to do so), I did send an Email to tim(at)majorgeeks(dot)com to explain my problems and that I just was confused about this whole thing and certainly did not want to bump at all - but got no reply yet.

    So, let's first await the outcome of me hitting the Submit Reply button now. Maybe others can come up with new suggestions about how to proceed in this rather bizarre situation.
    By the way, it just occurred to me that it might be the malware itself of which I'm suffering at the moment, that prevents me from submitting posts. Has to be a keylogger in order to be able to discern the mentioning of its own name - so not very likely, this one. It just demonstrates my level of frustration about all this, to come up with such a suggestion. :-D
    It just turned out to be impossible to post a normal reply here, so I had to copy and paste this in the quick reply box. Hope this gets through at last...
    And apparently it DID!
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  18. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Welcome Frogleap
    I like your name as I like frogs. Yeah I know strange. That's just me.
    I'm sorry to here of your minor health problems and your friends illness. Hope you both recover soon.
    I think once you get through the malware part you shouldn't have any more problems posting and when that happens please don't hesitate to post any questions you may have. MG has a large variety of people with answers/help for questions asked. So ask away.Enjoy the rest of the forum. I think you will find it enlightening.
  19. Frogleap

    Frogleap Private E-2

    Hi All!
    Just got a brainwave overnight as to a possible cause for not being able to submit new threads. What about: changing font [from standard to Book Antiqua] before typing my post? This could be a nonpermitted redaction type of intrusion for which I'm not authorized and therefore got refused the processing of such. Does that make any sense? It occurred to me that the QuickReplyBox doesn't have this feature so I can't change font in here; and these QuickReplies are the only ones working for me at the moment. Any comments?
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2009

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