Silent Hill May Be Getting Brought Back By Bloober Team...

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by SCT Guy, Apr 21, 2022.

  1. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    I know this video is a bit old, but there was rumours again recently that Bloober Team has a secret Silent Hill reboot in the works.

    This could very well save survival horror, because to be honest, Resident Evil is rubbish nowadays. So change is needed.

    Please change Bright to Bought. Meh. ;)
  2. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I’ll believe it when the game is released.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  3. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    I agree.

    Nice to see you again, Goddess. :)
  4. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I took a little break SCT. :) Good to be back though.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  5. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    I have no idea when Bloober Team or Konami will announce anything. There is a games festival happening this summer, to basically replace E3. There hasn't even been any news in months about the DLC for RE8.

    I think Bloober Team are very much into the series, as their game The Medium was heavily influenced by the franchise.
  6. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I hope they continue & release Silent Hills. Then again it would be nice to see any new Silent Hill game.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  7. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

  8. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

  9. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    There’s rumours it may be a Silent Hill 2 remake.
    I’ll believe it when the game is in stores.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  10. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    There's a rumour that Bloober Team are working on one of the two games that are supposedly in development. But their game The Medium didn't have any combat at all. There was definitely vibes of the series in the game, however. So maybe Bloober Team can prove themselves.

    A game without physical engagement wouldn't be very appealing, though. Hopefully that won't be the case here.

  11. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    That would be similar to the Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, there’s no combat so hiding is the only option. I didn’t enjoy that one so if the new game is similar then I’d pass on it.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  12. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    To be honest, I do feel sorry for Dusk Golem. The guy has my sympathy.

    People get depressed from the lack of news about a dormant franchise, then when someone like Dusk gives the Internet the latest scoop on what he knows, the ungrateful replies he gets from some of the users lurking on ResetEra, would be enough to put most people off from sharing anything again.
  13. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    It’s also a case that fans have had their hopes dashed too often in the past where a ‘reliable source’ citing a new SH game has turned out to be fake. I don’t condone the abuse I’ve comments towards Dusk Golem, if their sources are unreliable I doubt he/she will be believed again.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  14. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    I happened to check out his Twitter profile because there had been rumours about three or so games doing the rounds yesterday, and he announced he was retiring as a leaker, yet again.
  15. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Then I would say it’s another fake SH game.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  16. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    I had a look at the partners for the Summer Game Fest, and noticed Capcom is one of them. But I couldn't find Konami or Naughty Dog listed. They could still be there, of course. Just not as a partner.

    The other day, I seen rumours about an episodic game, which is something I suggested a long time ago, because we could receive minor stories like the side scenario with Maria, but with characters we haven't seen before. That way, they can give us games that are short, very enjoyable, and can come out more frequently.

    In the games, you always find notes detailing things about people. Like how they spoke of Walter Sullivan being at large two games before he actually appeared. So this would be a great opportunity to do something similar.
  17. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Capcom will possibly be announcing more details on the DLC for RE8, & the RE2, RE3 & RE7 PS5 upgrades.

    Yes it’s the little details with SH which can easily be missed with the first playthrough.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  18. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    Somebody was talking about it recently, on Reddit.

    I'd imagine the prequel scenario will be about Lady Dimitrescu. It seems obvious, considering her popularity. The second scenario could be about Chris and his Hound Squad investigating why the BSAA sent clones to the region.

    As for Silent Hill...

    I am not surprised they're potentially remaking the second game. That's generally seen as the best one. Pyramid Head is like the pinnacle of the series, and it made no sense to use him outside of that game, but they did it anyway. But a remake? It's all fair game.

    But I hate remakes, because it kind of feels like they're cheating their way back into the public eye. Just use the same story, but change up some stuff. Yeah. It ain't all that original when they choose to rehash ideas. However, on the plus side, there is talk about two other games coming as well. But it's all a waiting game until Konami decides the time is right to announce something for real.
  19. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I’m hoping they add a VR option to RE8 in the same way they did with RE7.

    The rumours are they’ll be adding new endings & new puzzles. I wonder they would include the possibility of new enemies too.
    I’m for remakes as they usually improve the graphics. But if they cut content then there’ll be complaints.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  20. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    Bloober Team better not be Blunder Team. :D

    There are those who doubt they're the right pick for reviving the series.

  21. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    True. The developer doesn’t seem to be a positive choice with many fans.
    Hopefully the team will prove all the doubters wrong.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  22. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    Well, Bloober Team have made games before. When the games were outsourced before by Konami, those developers hadn't even really worked on anything else beforehand.

    Give them an A for effort, I guess, but it is rather odd for a big company to hire some unknown people to do a game that's part of a big enough series. At least Bloober Team thus far, have a degree of establishment. I'm still sceptical, myself.
  23. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    It is strange especially as Silent Hill is/was one of their successful game franchises. I’m sure though that Homecoming & Downpour were outsourced & these aren’t seen as good games - I like them though.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  24. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    It's only a matter of time until they reveal something. Bloober Team working with Konami is already an obvious indication that the series has a very high probability of returning. Not necessarily going to be this summer, so I don't want to count my chickens before they've hatched.

    Whenever I "think" something will be at this event, or that show, I usually end up facing disappointment when it ain't talked about. So once bitten, twice shy. ;)
  25. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Unless there’s an official reveal & tbh after the Silent Hills fiasco I’ll not believe anything until it is released.
    I will still be eager for official news though.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  26. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    Same here.

    Every year, I used to like tuning into Tokyo Game Show. However, the last 2 years had nothing but kid's gamo, as they were shown early, my time. So if nothing shows up next month, I think there would have to be a State of Play event, to announce something specific.
  27. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Hopefully something will be announced soon.
    I’d like to see a full remake of Silent Hill rather than SH 2.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  28. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    Kid's games.

    My phone is bad for changing words.

    Yeah. It would make sense to remake the first game, but they're just dying to show off Pyramid Head in HD. :(
  29. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Autocorrect does that with me at times.

    I’m sure (if the rumour is true) that a screenshot/photo of PH in HD will be released.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  30. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    I believe the schedule for State of Play for Thursday, has gotten leaked. However, there's only RE speculation, including what the RE8 DLC will apparently be referred to as.

    It's about time, too...

  31. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    There was a text list which had Silent Hill on it but a later list didn’t.
    I noticed RE8 DLC was listed yes. We’ll see how accurate the list is.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  32. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant


    Capcom actually showed off the remake of Resident Evil 4 at State of Play, about one hour ago. Nothing about the DLC for RE8 was confirmed, which was a bit meh. They did say that VR support is coming for RE8 to the PS5 at a future date, however.


    Konami, you are next! Yes? :cool:
  33. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I read that too but unless the new headset will be backwards compatible I’ll most likely not be buying it on release.
    On a side note the Assassins Creed Origin 60 fps upgrade has been released, which I’m happy for as I love that game. Spend too long looking at the scenery though.
  34. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    The remake looks good. But what modern day game doesn't? The only thing I can say that they have gotten kind of wrong, is how Leon looks. He has a similar appearance to how he was in RE2. Yet RE4 takes place 6 years after 2.
  35. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    There’s some photos comparing the old HD version with the remake & apart from using different face models for the characters I cannot see any difference in the quality. Hopefully the game will be different.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  36. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    I have to finally purchase a PS5 before or during next spring. RE4 isn't getting a PS4 version, it would seem.
  37. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I expected that.
    Hopefully the PS5 shortages will not be a problem when you’re ready to buy.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  38. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    Since Bloober Team are one of the partners for Summer Game Fest, I am keeping my hopes high for Silent Hill related news.

    Capcom has something planned for the 13th.

    And I noticed this, too.

  39. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I suspect the PS5 updates to RE2, RE3 & RE7 will be officially released on the 13th. The file sizes allegedly are already on Sony’s servers.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  40. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    Well, Summer Game Fest begins this evening. I don't know what they have lined up for today.

    But I have a funny feeling that Bloober Team could reveal a different horror game to Silent Hill.

    I can't find a video in English. But Layers of Fear is supposed to be receiving a sequel. So I'll be gutted if that's the game they talk about.

  41. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I suspect it will be the third instalment of Layers of Fear.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  42. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    It was. :(

  43. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I have the first 2 games so I will most likely purchase this on release.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  44. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    It's back to the drawing board for Silent Hill fans, meanwhile.

    Capcom has their showcase on Monday at 11 PM, though. They're going to be showing off the RE4 remake.
  45. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    No doubt the showcase will be RE4 remake. Probably showing the differences between the HD & the remake versions as well as the VR addition.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  46. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

  47. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I’ve installed the PS5 upgrades for RE2, RE3 & RE7. The trophies were updated for RE2 & 3 but I lost 50% of my RE7 trophies so will have to do those again. :(
    SCT Guy likes this.
  48. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    That sucks, Goddess. :(
  49. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Many are easy to re-do apart from Madhouse mode & finding the coins in same. I made a list of where they all are but now I no longer have it. Just finished the Ship part. Thankfully I still have the circular saw & unlimited ammo which makes it a little easier this time.
    SCT Guy likes this.
  50. SCT Guy

    SCT Guy Sergeant

    I hope RE4 is the last remake, because if they remade CV, they would probably ruin the game anyway. There's no need to remake these old games. There's like a gazillion plot threads throughout the franchise needing cleared up.

    If RE4 is successful (which I am certain it will be), there will be a demand for RE5 being remade.

    OK. Maybe let Wesker live this time. But seriously. Sarcasm aside. There is little point to remaking these titles, other than of course, to rake in the dollars.

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