Simple file sharing on an XP workgroup

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by loninappleton, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. loninappleton

    loninappleton Corporal

    Have seen an older thread here on getting simple file sharing to work on two PCs running XP.

    since the post is old can someone get me going on this?

    The hardware setup is a biostar board with onboard ethernet called lon2biostar in the workgroup. The other is a salvage machine, an older abit called abit1 in the workgroup which has an oboard ehternet port and an SiS NIC installed. Both machiens get internet traffic. But I have a machine naot acciessibel problem that I haven't gotten around in weeks of pinging, turning off firewals etc..

    Both pcs are plugged into a four port switch and that goes to a dsl modem router (router because the modem-- an Actiontec 701 supplied by the ISP-- supports both USB connect and ethernet connect.

    I have been through hell at online forums trying to get this problem resolved. The previous threat at major geeks said to disable wireless and that should clear up problems. Can anyone confirm this now?

    The primary error that I can see at abit1 is an error called connection unplugged. But it's not unplugged and is getting the net feed.

    What I can't do is get one measely shared folder going to send some video to the living room.

    Both machines show both workgroup names at Network Places. The abit machine is not seeing any shared folder content from lon2biostar and I cannot send from lon2biostar to abit1 without getting this error:

    (see attached jpg)

    Attached Files:

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