Simple question about Windows Task Scheduler

Discussion in 'Software' started by LGM08, May 15, 2009.

  1. LGM08

    LGM08 Private E-2

    If I create a monthly task in Windows Task Scheduler, say to occur the first Monday of every month, but my computer is shut down at that time, will the task run automatically when I do eventually turn my computer on?

    If not, how do I create the scheduled task so that it will always be run at startup if the scheduled time is missed?

    I looked and googled for the answer but I could not find one single article which addressed this.

    Anyone know?

    I'm on Windows XP SP3.
  2. Cat_w_9_lives

    Cat_w_9_lives Major KittyCat

    Welcome to MajorGeeks,

    Short Answer:

    If your PC is off the task will not run, you can click the Advanced option on top menu and check the box Notify Missed Tasks as a reminder that you missed a task (in Task Scheduler Window). Also, if a laptop take note of the power options when you schedule. Vista has more advanced options to run at startup and other choices but not available in XP.

    Requires research and knowledge:

    Task Scheduler can run a program, shut down the PC and restart the PC, but not for the novice IMO. I played with this years ago but found that I forgot about the "tasks" when uninstalling, reinstalling, did not check the notify...ended up with a bunch of stuff trying to run for no reason and really didn't like the idea of my PC shutting down and restarting when I'm not around to check that all is well. Also, you can mess up if you don't know what you're telling your PC to do or power outages, corruption could mess up the task and not sure of the outcome on this...

    If you really want to know, look at the Workaround here:

    My opinion is basic tasks like run a virus scan are good, but more advanced options should be left to the techs, too much room for user error.

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