Site is a blessing!!!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by cris81188, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. cris81188

    cris81188 Private E-2

    Hey all. I am new and completely self-taught (I hear this is frowned upon=/) member here. The inspiration for my new found passion of sourcing (not sure if that is the right reference) came from my BF slowly but surely almost 100% locking/blocking out any history tracing----- hardware and software side. Everything from the simple IE history all the way down to event viewers is adjusted, unavailable, coded…… name it. This is now a challenge to me!!!!! I have always been a seeker regardless of what is at the end of the rainbow (so to speak) if it is being hidden I want to find it LOL. Anyway, I am now just wanting to learn, I find it all very interesting, I feel like being able to read "comp language/source” and navigate the internet/computer is becoming almost as necessary as knowing the language of the country you are in. Anyway this is an awesome site and cant wait until I have more time to follow up on my first email.

    See ya

  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Welcome to MGs.:)

    As far as the self taught, I'm not sure where it's frowned upon, but you definitely can't say that here.

    Hope to see you join in.
  3. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Yup, self-taught is fine, we tend to learn more by our own mistakes than we would from some theoretical texts any way - especially when those texts are pumped out by the purveyors of software that want to hide the secret inner workings from us.

    Welcome aboard :)
  4. Spock96

    Spock96 Major Geek 'Spocky'

    Self taught is one of the best ways to go!
    "Take it apart. See how it works, break it if you must. Just remember how it goes back together. :)"~~ Me.

    Welcome to the "Family" :wave
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Cris

    And Self Taught is not frowned upon here as many of us are, although many of us have quals in computing we do not care for your level of expertise, we will adjust our replies accordingly.

    Seekers of info are great in my mind as that is the only way to further our experience and knowldge so must be a good thing?

    I hope you joing in on the forum and have fun.
  6. cris81188

    cris81188 Private E-2

    Thanks everyone. I just got the "frowned upon" from a couple people and the person listed in my email but I'm sure he just does that to make me feel stupid. I love all the quotes at the end of the messages by the way.........I break everything lol even that guys computer but that's what he gets for hiding crap. see you guys soon =) just moved so computer is down but will visit again ASAP or hopefully be up and running shortly.

  7. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Cris

    Nah whoever and if they are a member here said that "self taught" is frowned upon here is mistaken as we have always since I became a member and I'm member #8 we have always been geared to help anyone, novice to pro, we dont care what your levele of experience is as we can cater for all.

    The only thing we dont like is a pretender who googles every answer to look smart.

    So you have nothing to fear and I hope your PC is up and running soon so you can join us again.

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