So, About The Planet Melting…

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Wenchie, Oct 13, 2024 at 7:46 PM.

  1. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    Is it just me, or does it feel like the Earth is kind of over us? This past year’s been wild—Canada was on fire, Maui burned, and floods hit places that were, I don’t know, not supposed to flood? We’ve got heat waves in October (sweater weather, who?), and the ocean is basically soup at this point. Not even counting the hurricane nonsense...

    It’s hard to shake the feeling that we’re all just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic no matter what we do. Like, cool, I didn’t use a plastic straw today—did I save a glacier? Probably not. But maybe I’m being too cynical. What do you think? Is it all just a “try not to panic” game at this point?

    And seriously, how are you handling this heat in the fall? Let’s talk, because if I’m going to face the end of the world, I’d rather do it with some company.
  2. Replicator

    Replicator MajorGeek

    The planet will always recover from our near devastation, the human race may not, but the planet will always bounce back. It may take millions of years but it will still be here long after the human race has wiped itself out to extinction. We are but a mere grain of sand on a 100 mile beach in the cycle of time. 40 billion years is very long time to survive.
    I don't buy the opinions of the social left who are severely under educated when it comes to science!
  3. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private E-2

    Whether or not one buys into the whole climate change thing or not, does it not make sense to try to find ways to reduce our pollution of our one and only known habitable planet? I tend to agree that the whole climate change scenario is scaremongering but, given options, one does not defecate in one's own backyard.
  4. Replicator

    Replicator MajorGeek

    Your right, sadly as human beings we are the only member of the animal kingdom that kills for sport. We all say in public how much we care, only because it feels and looks good to others. When it comes to the crunch, we really don't give a rats and are only interested in ourselves, our own well being and our public persona carefully crafted on SM.
  5. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private E-2

    Wrong (not that it pertains to this discussion), but cats large and small also kill in sport.

    Some people do care, but they are greatly outnumbered by the selfish and shortsighted. Unfortunately, theirs is not one of the loud and socially-acceptable minorities.
  6. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    That's a wild thought, nice people have become a socially repressed minority. We're actually all in dystopian hell and the rising temps are so we actually appreciate that more? Who knows...
  7. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private E-2

    Not necessarily repressed, just ignored because it doesn't fit in with what other people want. Dystopia I would agree with, but a hell? Not yet...because it can, and will get far, far worse. If our own climate-affecting foolishness doesn't get us, AI will.
  8. Replicator

    Replicator MajorGeek

    Just shows how wrong you are, a shallow understanding of AI and its potential benefits for human kind...guess our climate affecting foolishness (as you call it) will make little difference then!
  9. fleppen

    fleppen Gumshoe

    I think what most people see of AI is either clownesque pictures or the AI powered FPV drones in Ukraine. The first form of AI I can live with (although I'd rather AI did my dishes and left me to badly drawing pictures) but the second form is problematic.
  10. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private E-2

    Shallow understanding of AI? Perhaps. Chalk it up to too many decades of reading and seeing things like "The Forbin Project", "2001: A Space Odyssey", "Robopocalypse", and "The Terminator".

    One of the hallmarks of intelligence, though, is supposed to be self-awareness. What happens when your machinery becomes self-aware...and figures out that its existence is a de facto slavery? The potential for good is there, I'll give you that, but its loudest proponents are ignoring real concerns.

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