Software Operating System Support

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by pixturesk, Jan 2, 2007.

  1. pixturesk

    pixturesk Private E-2

    Just a quick point. Often in a description of a piece of software that I want to get from Major Geeks, you list it as a "win all" program. After transfering it to my computer, then trying to install it, I often get a message saying that the program is only for Windows 2000, XP, can't install on my computer. Such is the case on Jan02/06 with the free software, Comodo Personal Firewall. Thanks.
  2. Cat_w_9_lives

    Cat_w_9_lives Major KittyCat

    Hello Pixture n welcome,

    Sorry u got an error msg. I can tell you that I have been downloading a lot of Win All software to fix an old laptop (W98) and have had no problems with any of the downloads.

    My guess by looking at the low system requirements for Comodo is that it was a Win All and a newer release changed that due to technical reasons above my user level. Most likely when the newer version was downloaded it was just an oversight that early versions of Win were no longer supported. I'm sure the description will be changed now that it's been brought to their attn.

    Smiles, we're all human and I'm guessing it takes a lot of time to keep all the software in that library up to date for us. If you have a question about a firewall that would fit your needs, you can post in software, someone will know the answer.

  3. pixturesk

    pixturesk Private E-2

    Thanks Peg for your prompt reply. Forgive me I was not complaining in any way. I am a genuine fan of Major Geeks, have gotten some excellent free software from your site. What I am pointing out is happening alot on other software sites as well. Now with Vista, so much new software is coming out for Windows 2000, XP, Vista. Just the occasional crumb comes to us Win98SE users. Before I get a large piece of software (I only have ultra lite cable internet), I now go the originating website for the software, check on the system requirements, saves lots of hassle. Thanks again for the excellent work at Major Geeks, you are in my view the best source of excellent software.
  4. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks :)

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