Some rather basic information please.

Discussion in 'Software' started by dmb06851, Jan 5, 2006.

  1. dmb06851

    dmb06851 Specialist

    I'm retired from a professional life in electronics. My forte was analogue and radio, so although an avid PC user I know very little about them.

    I've bought a graphics card as an upgrade. It comes with drivers on a c.d. The accompanying documentation instructs one to first uninstall previous drivers.

    What I don't understand is where and/or how in the system does the graphics driver get involved.
    It seems clear that if one can still proceed to follow instructions on the screen after removing the original driver but before installing another then the display is not entirely dependant on them.

    So where and how does the driver fit in to the scheme of things?
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    The graphics drivers are need to give your system compatability with the graphics card different makes of graphics cards utilize different drivers.... for example if you had a Nvidia GFX cad and update to ATi then you will need to uninstall the Nvidia drivers before installing the ATi otherwise its possible that you will have compatability issues.

    The drivers also allow you to access many features of the card... if the basic microsoft drivers are installed then until you install the manufacturers drivers then many options/settings are missing.
  3. dmb06851

    dmb06851 Specialist

    Thank you Halo.

    You have confirmed what I suspected - that the basic Windows environment has basic drivers.

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