Something Other Than Malwarebytes Antimalware

Discussion in 'Software' started by taylor1277, Jan 7, 2025.

  1. taylor1277

    taylor1277 Private E-2

    Is there something similar and as good but won't make a reading on the program I downloaded. Is there another program just as good that I can try out.
  2. A1phaG33k

    A1phaG33k Private First Class

    "won't make a reading on the program I downloaded".
    I take it Malwarebytes is flagging the program?
    If that is the case, and IF you trust the program, and feel it is a false flag, either turn off Malwarebytes, or better yet, make an exception for the program within Malwarebytes.
    Do This At Your Own Risk.
    Make a backup/restore point is highly advised.

    As to you question, I do not know of a "as good" program. Malwarebytes is pretty good.
    Maybe someone else can chime in with a suggestion.
  3. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Malwarebytes is very good. I've used it for decades. I would not look around for something "just as good'; you'd be wasting your time.

    What is the program you are attempting to download? I ask because I will look around and see if it is a false positive and post as the malwarebytes forum.
  4. the mekanic

    the mekanic Major Mekanical Geek

  5. AllanH

    AllanH Private E-2

  6. sexyandy81

    sexyandy81 MajorGeek

    There is a couple of anti malware scanners that dont have to be installed on your system. Like AllanH says there is Emimsoft Emergency Kit, Norton Power Eraser, Hitman Pro and last but not least Zemana anti-malware.

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