
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Norm21537, Sep 11, 2006.

  1. Norm21537

    Norm21537 Private E-2

    I have a new Computor Windows XP SP2 Home addition AMD 64 Athlon 3800+ 2.41GHz. I installed Sound Blaster Audigy SE I'm useing Boston surround sound speakers from a Gateway Computor. I can only get 2 speakers to work
    when I plug the black lead in the sound card rear speakers work Iplug in the green lead to sound card still can't get 4 spearks to play:confused:
  2. Yargwel

    Yargwel MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG. :)

    Have you tried looking in the control panel under Sounds and Audio devices. Then under speaker settings>Advanced making sure you have the correct speaker set-up selected?
  3. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks :)

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