Speaker+Monitor=No work??

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Muayti, Feb 4, 2012.

  1. Muayti

    Muayti Private E-2

    Hello all. My problem is probably simple and I'm just overthinking it. I use an ACER monitor to use as my display when I play PS3. It is not connected to an actual computer, just my PS3. Now, before hand I had used an LCD monitor for this. I transfered to this one and hooked everything in, HDMi, PS3 and then the speakers. The Toshiba speakers I have seem to refuse to work, even though they are plugged into both the wall and computer...Yes, they are hooked up as they should be. Now, I'm stuck.
  2. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks! I am a bit confused about your question (other than the speakers don't work) Can you be a bit more specific about the model number of the Monitor, type of computer, and how you have it hooked up? Have you tried other speakers?
  3. Spock96

    Spock96 Major Geek 'Spocky'

    Hello and Welcome.
    Are your speakers plugged into your computer and PS3?
  4. Muayti

    Muayti Private E-2

    Well you see, it's only the monitor. I don't remember what the monitor model number is, all I know is that it's a high def acer. With my other monitor it worked just fine as I have hooked up. A simple green-tipped audio cord that plugs into the back of the monitor and, ta-da, sound. I don't think it's the speakers themselves, otherwise they wouldn't have worked with the other monitor. And also, the speakers can't be plugged into the PS3, there's no port and no extra cord.
  5. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    PS3 comes with a composite cable http://www.brighthub.com/electronics/home-theater/articles/34502.aspx
    scroll down to PS3 and Composite which goes into the 4th port from the left or 2nd port from the right.
    Use the red and white RCA plugs because those are audio. (yellow is video but you are using HDMI for your video)
    Get an adapter like this http://www.amazon.com/RiteAV-3-5mm-Stereo-Female-Cable/dp/B0018MI5F6/ref=pd_cp_e_0
    to plug into the sound card.

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