Spybot search and destroy Operating Questions

Discussion in 'Software' started by flywelder, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. flywelder

    flywelder Private E-2

    Not sure if this is the correct place to ask this Q. but here I go:

    I have Spy bot search and destroy on my computer. I run Windows XP home edition, with service pack 2.

    I have had search and destroy for a year, it does a good job! but, it runs a scan every time I boot up my computer, and it is running a scan right now, at a time when I don't want it to!
    I am not able to find the location of where I can control when it runs a scan, I don't like these automatic scans.

    plus, spybot is no longer responding to my clicks of 'exit Spybot command' ?!! why????

    Some History :
    When I first installed Spybot, I would have it scan the hard drives while I slept at night, in the morning, I would deal with the findings and then I would then exit the program. B/C leaving spybot up and running, causes a severe lag in the response time I experience with my computer's key strokes, mouse movements, and mouse 'clicks'.....making me not happy at all...and is the second reason I want to be able to turn spybot off and on at my choosing!

    How do I regain control of Spybot?

    Where does Spy bot reside on my hard drive?...B/C searching does not find a file named Spybot....why is that?

  2. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Yes, software forum is more appropriate place to post. :)
  3. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    Uninstall Spybot, reboot, and then reinstall. This time do not allow it to install the Teatimer option. You need to uncheck it since it is checked by default. Also just accept all other defaults. You previously configured it to scan at startup. Yes this startup option can be changed in the Advanced Mode, Settings, System Start area if you want to avoid the uninstall/reinstall. Also Teatimer can be disabled with the below instructions:

    See this: How to disable Spybot's TeaTimer

    The default Spybot folder is: C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy

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