Still Lost and more Frustrated

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Chas333, Jul 8, 2012.

  1. Chas333

    Chas333 Private E-2

    I am still trying to find my way around in here and all get is more lost simply trying to find the right place to answer someone and still are not able to see who has a solution to my Problem.
    I cannot wonder is this some kind of joke
    will anyone Please get me some detail on where and how to navigate thru this
    all I want to is find a way to read what someone has to offer me to be able to to the download I spoke of.
    I have tried repeatedly to find the right page to see read or even try to answer anyone but all I get is gibberish I might not be a geek and I do know I like hands on teaching yes I do read but in this major geeks web site nothing is explained on where to go to find the section one needs I have to go back all the way to welcome section and try to find my way out each time this site is like a maze with all over grown hedges. If what I say hurts well live with it I am having to live with not being able to find a directory to get from one place to another.
    Chas333 If you want me gone then Block me for right now I dont give Damn
  2. plastidust

    plastidust Command Sergeant Major

    Hi Chas333.

    If you look at the very top left corner of any page you're on(except the Forums front page itself), just bellow the Major Geeks logo you will see the link:

    MajorGeeks Support Forums Thumbnail 1.

    If you click on that link it will take you to the Forums front page. From there you can scroll up or down until you see the Forum you're interested in viewing. In your case, once at the Forums front page, you will need to scroll down until you see the Macintosh Forum link listed. Thumbnail 2.

    Attached Files:

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