Storage Issue - Samsung Galaxy A01

Discussion in 'Smartphones and Tablets - Software' started by continuityerror, Nov 16, 2024 at 9:29 AM.

  1. continuityerror

    continuityerror Private E-2

    Hi, I've been getting warning messages about storage on my Galaxy A01 for a few days now. Almost all of 16 GB storage is used up (15.9) The memory lists 657 MB available out of 2 GB. The issue are three videos I have saved. I've deleted all photos and these are the only things left. Oddly, these videos are a few years old now, and hadn't caused storage issues earlier. My phone now cannot maintain a charge. Leaving it asleep overnight, it loses around 20% even after being fully charged.

    These are videos of pets who have now passed away, and don't want to delete them. I've tried emailing the videos and sending them as Instagram DMs, but was told the files are too large. So I have two questions:

    1. How can I get these videos off of this phone? I'm just not a smartphone person (as evidenced I'm sure by the old model I'm using.) so any help on this would be appreciated.
    2. Is there any way to help out this storage issue if I can't transfer the videos? I've gone through the steps of clearing cache and optimizing performance, but the storage numbers are the same.

  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    If this is your phone
    You have a micro sd card slot.
    Buy a micro sd card, stick it in the slot and copy don't move the videos. Why? Because if it doesn't work, and you move, the files are lost. If it does work, you can then remove the videos from the 16 GB internal storage.

    Take the micro sd card out of the phone, put it into a card reader and see if the files are visible. Then make a 2nd copy for safe storage.
    continuityerror likes this.
  3. continuityerror

    continuityerror Private E-2

    Okay, the only thing on the left side is the volume button. On the right side, there's a long thin slot that appears to be closed that might be a SD slot. (Can't tell if I'm meant to pull it open, or if I'll break off that piece of plastic.) I'm almost positive this is the version I have:
  4. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    It says this on the Trafone page
    Without seeing the sides of the phone, I can't tell you how to get to the sd slot. On my older Galaxy tablet there is a notch on the right that I have to catch to open then the cover slides down but it still attached. On my newer Galaxy tablet, there is a cover on the bottom left side with a pinhole. I have to use a tool I got with the tablet. I couldn't find the tiny tool so a straightened paper clip or a post style pierced earring also works.

    All I can tell you is to see if that plastic bit has a tiny notch or hole. Perhaps you can email or chat and find out how to open the sd slot.
    continuityerror likes this.
  5. continuityerror

    continuityerror Private E-2

    Looks like you're right, based on this YouTube video. I'll have to search for a paper clip and try it. Thanks!
  6. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Glad you have that sorted out. Thank you for posting the video. It will help anyone with a Galaxy A01 with storage problems.

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