Stupid Question, But Is There A Way To Create A Symlink Between Windows And Linux?

Discussion in 'Software' started by DarkSpyro92, May 27, 2021.

  1. DarkSpyro92

    DarkSpyro92 Private E-2

    Just to start, I'm not incredibly knowledgeable on computers, especially Linux, so I'm sorry if this seems like a dumb question.

    I'm thinking about getting a Raspberry Pi to use as a portable computer, or just as a way to run something while staying at my house. However I was hoping there would be a way to create a symlink between something like Dropbox and Linux so that I can update files from my laptop while away from home which get saved to Dropbox, and then in turn saved on the Raspberry Pi. I've created a symlink through Windows and Dropbox with this method already, but I'm not sure how the files would work on a Linux-based machine like R Pi.

    Is there a way to create links between Windows, Dropbox, and Linux in a way that will allow me to run the R Pi from my home and update the files via my Windows 10 laptop while away from home? I'm just looking to make it so I'm not running a program on my main computer so I'm just looking for a good mini PC for this and R Pi seemed like a good solution. If it isn't, I'll look at other alternatives.
  2. A1phaG33k

    A1phaG33k Private First Class

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