Suggestions For Bluetooth Keyboard

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Melm2h, Jan 17, 2020.

  1. Melm2h

    Melm2h Private E-2

    Hi All!

    I could do with some advice for a gift that I'm attempting to buy for my husband. I've spent a load of time searching online for a Bluetooth Keyboard (his request) based on the criteria he's asked for but I'm really struggling to find a keyboard that ticks all the boxes. Any suggestions of models/brands or even specific links you can offer based on the criteria below would be most appreciated!

    Bluetooth Keyboard (for casual use in the living room to be used with Gigabyte's Brix)

    • UK qwerty keyboard
    • compact size (not mini)
    • integrated touchpad
    • compatible with Linux (this is the most difficult to tick of all the items- I've seen some people on forums say most decent ones will just plug and play, but I'm skeptical )

    Nice to have:
    • backlight
    • Costs no more than £100
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    My husband does not attempt to buy me any tech gear because he knows he'll get the wrong thing.
    Since I don't reside in the UK, I won't begin to offer any suggestions.

    Why not have him search for and get what he wants. I think in the end, both of you will be happy. He'll get exactly what he wants (or find out how hard it is to match all his requirements) and you won't have to waste time trying to find a linux keyboard.

    I own two bluetooth keyboards but my requirements were easy. Very portable and low in price - they had to work in android.
    The highly portable one folds and has a stand for a phone, certainly not at all what he is looking for. The other is almost full size and cost $5, less than £4. Both work well on my one Windows laptop that has Bluetooth and my 4 android devices.

    I'll ask around of the forums I go to where people use linux. What distro does he run?
  3. Melm2h

    Melm2h Private E-2

    Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, part of the gift was me doing the legwork for him so while normally I would ask him for a link this time I really did dig a hole for myself! Distribution is Mint.
  4. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I don't know who makes the keyboards and mice for Microsoft, but IMO, they are great. I have 3 Wireless Comfort Desktop 5050 sets here and love them. That one is out of Amazon UK, but I see the $ sign instead of £ so not sure if there is a UK version there. It is wireless, but not Bluetooth. But that typically does not matter. It works the same way. You have a wireless "transceiver" (dongle) connected to a USB port in the computer, and that pairs with the wireless device. Set up is typically pretty automatic and straight forward.

    If his computer has Bluetooth built in (many do not), then you may want to stick with Bluetooth. But if a dongle is needed anyway, be open to either type of wireless.

    Not sure but I think having an integrated touchpad AND UK layout may be the biggest challenge.

    One thing nice about a keyboard and mouse set is they both work off a single wireless dongle. If you buy the keyboard and mouse separately, they may need 2 dongles which will take up 2 USB ports.

    Of course that is not a problem with an integrated touchpad.

    If wireless is an absolute requirement, I do NOT recommend getting a backlit keyboard. On a standard wireless keyboard, the batteries need to be replaced every 4 - 6 months - give or take - depending on how often used. Illuminating the backlighting will consume the batteries even faster. I "invested" in rechargeable batteries and charger for mine. That investment paid off quickly.

    If backlighting ends up being a requirement, make sure the keyboard is wired. Then there will never be a need to worry about batteries.

    Having said all that, I really don't like recommending specific keyboards or mice. This is because keyboards and mice are extensions of our own unique hands. What feels great at the end of my fingers may feel awkward or even painful to your or your husband.

    Note that Microsoft keyboard above has a curved layout. That lets my arms (and more importantly, my wrists) approach the keyboard from a "natural" angle. If I type for any length of time on a straight keyboard like this Corsair keyboard, I have to twist my wrists inward into an awkward (for me) position and soon the carpal tunnel pain in my wrists start to flare up again. For this reason, I always recommend folks visit their local computer stores and play "touchy-feely" with the keyboards and mice themselves, to see (feel) what feels best at the end of their own hands. Try to position the device at the same height as it would be if sitting at his desk. And be sure to take a bottle of hand-sanitizer with you! :eek:

    Another problem with keyboards is some people like the keypresses to be soft, some like a positive firm "click". Some like the keys to have a long throw, some short. So again, actually taking them out for a test drive is usually best.

    What I am saying is, as advisers, the best we can really do is comment on build quality and reliability. Beyond that, it is totally about personal opinion.
  5. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    What version of Mint?

    So far I got this:
    1. Bluetooth devices will work on any linux distro as long as you have a bluetooth daemon running. Personally, I like blueman.
    2. I asked how you make sure it is running and he said "you install blueman and start the systemd service."
    3. Then he gave me this link

    He told me once I know the distro and version, he'll supply better instructions.

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