Suspicious Goings-on

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Skullduggery's Dupe, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. Skullduggery's Dupe

    Skullduggery's Dupe Master Sergeant

    I took a look at the thread "Seagate Backup Question", posted by snapper, a member since Jun 3, 2006.

    Then I received an email from MG, saying that there was a response from snapper to my thread "Any Way To View All My Threads?"

    In this email message, there was the usual View This Thread button with an embedded link to the thread in question, just like there always is whenever I get an email from MG telling me that I've received a response to one of my threads. I ran my cursor over it, and the link really DID point to my thread.

    So I clicked on View This Thread, but it took me to Seagate Backup Question instead!

    And Any Way To View All My Threads? does NOT include any posting by snapper.

    This appears to be a similar situation to the time I got spammed by LunnaH (LauraR, please see our conversation "Profile post").

    That, as staff members might recall, was seemingly in response to my thread "Cryptowall 4.0 Infection", even though what was said in the email message did in fact NOT appear in that thread.

    Anyway, because I suspect hanky panky here, I ask that staff investigate this situation ASAP. For my part,I will now run MB and then a Full Scan with Avira's System Scanner, and then post the results in this thread.
  2. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Nothing suspicious, either Snapper quickly deleted his (off topic) 'reply' and created a new topic (, or one of the staff moved it. I'd guess at the former, the latter would be close to impossible as the timings from both the email notification and the new topic coincide to the same minute.

    Otherwise there may be some 'bug' in the new forum software. Unlikely, others would probably have reported on it by now.

    BTW, the linked topic in your second sentence above is incorrect, it should point here: using the Preview function is a good idea with complex matters such as this.
    Skullduggery's Dupe and LauraR like this.
  3. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member


    This is definitely different than before as you were not emailed via MGs before and this was an official generated email alert. As Satrow stated, it was most likely a post that was improperly posted in your thread and moved by one of the staff here. The alert was for his specific post (even though it was in your thread that you watch), so you were taken to his post when you clicked on the link.

    Also, this type of thing can happen if someone posts spam in a thread you watch. The email is immediately generated for any posts. Therefore if someone posts spam in your thread, you will get the email even though one of us may have deleted the post afterwards.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
    satrow and Skullduggery's Dupe like this.
  4. Skullduggery's Dupe

    Skullduggery's Dupe Master Sergeant

    OK, thanks to both of you for checking this out so quickly.

    Oh, I had said I'd post the results of my scans: both malware-free.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2016
  5. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    I moved it to its own thread.
    satrow and snapper like this.
  6. snapper

    snapper Private First Class

    Good Morning All:) No I am real, and female. Have not posted in a while and you have a new web set up I am unfamiliar with. I am not spam. Really am having a problem with Seagate. Never was the best poster here. Yes I looked at 'How to view my threads' and did not post there. Just trying to navigate about. Please advise on how to re-submit my question. Thank you.
  7. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    You don't need to resubmit your question. The thread is now in the software forum.
    snapper likes this.

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