Tagging software updates for Majorgeeks store users?

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by TechonNapkins, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. TechonNapkins

    TechonNapkins Private E-2

    I setup a Majorgeeks store account last year... and I use Majorgeeks A LOT!

    I made something called the "MegaDVD" (started off as the "MegaCD") that has a disc full of the best freeware apps (yes, I spent precious time testing all the various CD burning software and what-not).

    Is it likely we could have a "watchlist" of software updates for software we tag as such, so that I can just login to my account, and boom, I see all the software I need to download?
  2. rustyjack

    rustyjack MajorGeek

    Now you've finally registerded and use Majorgeeks A LOT, then you should know that you should have posted this into the software forum ! ;):-D

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