Taking Screenshots In Nfs Underground

Discussion in 'Software' started by Dread_2004, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. Dread_2004

    Dread_2004 Private First Class

    Is it possible to take "photos" of the cars you make in nfs underground. I would like to take screenshots of my cars at various angles. Like you do for the mag and dvd covers but to keep. probably me going blind but I can not see away of doing this.

    Thanks in advance for any ideas.
  2. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    Press print screen button on the keyboard, have paint open in the background and switch between nfs and paint (alt + tab) and then paste the print screen image in, then save it as your normally would.
  3. Dread_2004

    Dread_2004 Private First Class

    DOH! of course. Thanks mate. Cant believe I didnt think of that.

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