Tech Support (not for the easily offended)

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Just Playin, Sep 21, 2004.

  1. Just Playin

    Just Playin MajorGeek

    dude111 likes this.
  2. SolitarySue

    SolitarySue Private E-2

    That was a riot, and sadly, quite accurate.
    dude111 likes this.
  3. Anon-15281db623

    Anon-15281db623 Anonymized

    That was great! and yes it is sadly true. :rolleyes:

    Just today i was calling tech support for Daewoo Electronics...i had to call 6 times before i could get some one that could speak proper english.


  4. jarcher

    jarcher I can't handle a title

    thats why I don't call tech support
    to true indeed
    dude111 likes this.
  5. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    That rocked!
    dude111 likes this.
  6. Kodo


    hehehe... that was funny!! :)
  7. glennk721

    glennk721 MajorGeek

    HUMMMMMMM Adrynalyne comes to mind hehe ROFL, Glenn

    JOKE !!!
  8. jarcher

    jarcher I can't handle a title

  9. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest


    I;m american, so you call me, I format your computer and browse MG while I wait for it to finish ;)
  10. MrPewty

    MrPewty MajorGeek

    It doesn't just happen with tech support. Go down to the local vegetable store and ask the clerk why the green peppers are cheaper than the red ones.
  11. WandaR

    WandaR Private E-2

    :D LOL, and like the dummie I am, I just kept waiting and waiting for that thing to load !! I guess I've grown accustomed to getting no where for a long period of time .! But at least it was in English so I could understand it ..sorta :D

  12. glennk721

    glennk721 MajorGeek

    I know your american,,,just pokin ya in the ribs,,,I know you do support thats all LOL.!!!! Glenn
  13. eric06

    eric06 Sergeant Major

    oh that was great. me and my uncle (who works for dell in austin) just had a conversation over this. man that was funny.

  14. Sophuis

    Sophuis Private E-2

    Foamy is most deffinatly the Man. Finally someone who agrees with me about people with cellphones (Foamy's Rant 2)

    So this is where you found it, Savage.
  15. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    When I get my sound drivers sorted, I am so gunna watch this. Watching it reminded me of a certain phonecall I made to M$ a while ago... :p
  16. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC


    Oh yes... very accurate :p
  17. mutz_nutz_uk

    mutz_nutz_uk Private First Class

    LMFAO That was funny!!!

    Its not just you guys in the States that get crappy tech support. We get the same shite here in the UK. They shutting all the UK call centres and outsourcing them to India, Vietnam and such countries. I never bother now with phoning tech support. If I have a problem, I either email, or sort it myself. So much easier, so little stress, and so fulfilling afterwards.
  18. mag00

    mag00 Sergeant

    Now that's funny. Made my day a little brighter.
  19. animatorStrike

    animatorStrike <a href="">Rid

  20. Maggie

    Maggie Corporal


    That was GREAT!

  21. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    Hehehe that was pretty good!! :D

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