Thank you Chaslang - Malware removal

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Celes123, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. Celes123

    Celes123 Private E-2

    I have not posted enough on MajorGeeks to be able to post a personal thank you to Chaslang for his fantastic Malware, Spyware, Virus removal instructions here.... /showthread.php?t=35407

    Can't thank you enough. Daughter's computer was infected with Sagipsul, and at least 20 other Malware/Spyware....redirecting browser pages, wouldn't allow access to Spybot, Microsoft, or any other Malware removal advisory sites. Thank you so very much. Your very intensive program worked wonderfully. Please make sure he gets this thank you. Celes123.
  2. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    You would be advised to post the logs of the scans you did, in the malware forum.
    There may still be some leftover, that will need cleaned up by one of the malware experts.
  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    I agree with Wildwolf on maybe posting the logs just in case some reminents are left that may need cleaning.

    Also I have left Chas know of this thread of thanks to him also.
  4. Celes123

    Celes123 Private E-2

    Thanks for the heads up. You are right. It took every step of Chaslang's step by step program to get everything removed and running smoothly from her computer. The Malware and Spyware was so entrenched that if I wouldn't have had my own computer in the next room that still had access to the internet... instead, right now I might be reinstalling her operating system. The worst infection I've seen. (She somehow disabled her firewall!...) Probably are still some remnants in there. I'll do it as soon as I'm back in town! Thanks again. Celes. :)

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