"The finer things in life." How do you define them?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Fred_G, May 29, 2007.

  1. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Well, in case you did not know, I started my new job at a wine shop that sells gourmet food and such. I know my wines to a point, but the food they sell, well, I ain't eating most of it.

    So my job today was to try to learn about different foods. We got Italian (Antipasti, Pesto, Pistou?) Sushi seasonings, all kinds of crazy stuff I will not eat. Especially snails. I am not eating snails!

    I am a very picky eater. My boss does not like this. He says I am missing out on the finer things in life. While I agree to a point, I do not eat certain foods because the make me want to puke! So I don't eat them.

    So I was thinking. What are the finer things in life? Is it all sight, smell, and taste, or can it be more? I was big into wine in the late '90s, and yes, I drank some nice $50 or more bottles of wine. I remember a few, they were nice. And a Kabinett and some Baby Havarti cheese cannot be beat, but is that what you remember?

    One of my best memories, well besides the two times I had two females in a bed, is one that happened in California, on a mt. bike ride. I got directions at a bike shop to Salmon Falls in the Sacramento area, and went. Great ride, not too technical, but fun. Saw mule deer, turkeys, and sat on a bench at the top of a hill, looking over some beautiful clear water, with 2 hawks mating or fighting overhead...

    Or on a local mt. bike course when you clean a section you have had to walk the last month or so! To me that is life, not eating some nice pasta or an odd item I can't pronounce.

    So what, to my fellow Geeks are the finer things in life? Holding your child for the first time, building your first computer, riding a bike over 45mph, or watching a photograph start to appear in a darkroom... Or do you just go for the caviar and such... I would think holding your child the first time would rate as number one, or a horrible nightmare...

  2. Kodo


    watching my kids being born.. no words for that feeling exist in the english language.

    Hearing my son call me daddy.
    Hearing my son call my father grandpa Joe.
    Watching my baby smile.. and laugh and just enjoy his innocence.

    I don't think the best bottle of wine in the world can top that euphoria. It's not possible.

    After that.. gadgets.. lots of gadgets like wide-screen TV's.. and sports cars with all the cool HUD , GPS and cool car tech in them. :D
  3. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Stuff like that does not come in a bottle.

    Hearing my son call me daddy.
    Hearing my son call my father grandpa Joe.
    Watching my baby smile.. and laugh and just enjoy his innocence.

    I think we are reading the same book Kodo, just on different chapters.

    Peace to you, and enjoy your child.

    Last edited: May 29, 2007
  4. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    I agree with Kodo and Fred_G. Family is at the top of my list of fine things. Right now, sitting in my backyard with the grill going, listening to birds sing, watching my dog run the yard, and talking with my wife are things I wouldn't trade for anything.
  5. Natakel

    Natakel Guest

    I agree with Kodo and Fred as well - family before all things. Watching my sons be born was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced . . . and it's true that the best things in life are free. I'm expecting my first blood grandchild in June (I do have a god-granddaughter), and I can't wait!

    But after family, I fully believe that he who dies with the most gadgets wins!! ;)

    And Fred, ref ménage à trois, . . . I'll stand on the Fifth Amendment :innocent
  6. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    Love of your family
    Respect of your friends, and lots of friends.
    Enough money to live comfortably on, but not so much it rules your life.
    Useful productive work to do, the kind you enjoy doing.

    And when you pass on, people say the world was a better place for your being here.
  7. Petaluma

    Petaluma First Sergeant

    For those single geeks(at least me) among us the finer things in life are...

    A big fat juicy t-bone w/ all the trimming

    A nice bottle of some wheat hefevizen

    Sitting in my backyard watching my garden grow as the sun slowly sinks over the horizon.....

    Whilst thinking of the bass fishing trip this weekend...

    I am a simple man, (no laughing):D with simple needs
  8. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    I forgot to say what I had going on the grill, Perfect choice! Although, I prefer porterhouse's:yum
  9. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    the love of a good woman (and my wife:D)

    watching my daughter grow into a fine woman and finding the man she loves although a bit sad about no grand kids, she's a career woman but just to see her happy makes it all worth while.
  10. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Well, according to him and his customers and who pay your salary I say you do try what you can, it is all food, even the chocolate covered bees. As to the finer things in life is concerned, I think it's elitist, just like dog shows and that whole business as for example caviar. Take some fish eggs, colour them and throw way too much salt on them and charge an arm and a leg for that crap. I'll eat almost anything, once anyway, but most of that stuff is not tasty for me except sashimi (raw) grade tuna made properly.:drool

    I think it was Chesapeake Bay slaves way back when, who were given lobster as that was considered a nuisance catch and the cheapest food to feed them. What has changed the mindset of people to elevate the lowly lobster? Anyways, the real stuff has been said above so I stayed away from repeating the obvious.:)
  11. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

  12. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    She plays a pretty tough agent on NCIS. Smart, cute, and dangerous are you really sure you are ready for that?
  13. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    None really ATM I need a need an upgrade

    Stop it musky I'v gone all a quiver :D
  14. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Other than my husband and all that entails ;) and my kids :

    A perfectly hit golf ball.
    A great dinner out with good friends and a bottle of wine.
    A hot fudge brownie sundae

    I'm easy :)
  15. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    When me and the missus laugh together,

    I rarely get to the countryside, but when I do I really appreciate the beuty of nature (forests, hills etc)

    I have a baby on the way, that will probably end up being the finest thing! :)
  16. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    You know theres nothing I like enough in this world to keep me here,theres some pretty cool stuff but it isnt amazing,just stuff to fill in the boredom

    If I were sure there were something better after death I'd probably go confused

    EDIT yeh I know having wife and children would probably change that
  17. TheSaintOfPain

    TheSaintOfPain Private First Class

    The finer things in life are not things that are tangible, or can necessarily be seen with the eyes. And mostly, they're the things you make fine in your life, whatever those things might be. Your idea of the finer things is always be different than those around you, and that's what makes life, no matter how much it may suck at some points, so interesting. Wouldn't it be boring if every person on Earth was exactly the same, with the same looks and interests? I don't wanna imagine that, really. Would it really be so great if everyone loved eating snails, and drinking nothing but $250 bottles of some wine? No, I didn't think so, either. Like the old saying goes, "Variety is the spice of life." Truer words just simply don't apply here.
    By the way, WAYNE82, I myself live in the countryside, here in Southeast Missouri, and it's one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. I love being able to wake up at about 6:00 in the morning, walk out onto our deck, and see deer silently grazing on the hillside behind our house. It's little things like that that just make me appreciate life that much more. Maybe I need to get some pictures taken, or see if I already have some, and post them in the future.
  18. Sgt. Tibbs

    Sgt. Tibbs Ultra Geek

    I have to wonder what possessed you to apply for a job at a place like that if you don't like those things. After all, it is only reasonable of your boss to expect you to be knowledgeable about the items you sell, so it makes perfect sense to me that he would want you to try them even if you think you don't like them. What was it my mom was always telling me..."you don't have to eat all of it, just one bite so I know you tried it before you said you didn't like it". It's a good habit. ;)

    For me, the "finer things in life" vary daily. Sometimes it's as simple as taking my shoes off and taking my hair down at the end of a long work day. Other times it's as involved as being able to drive across the country to visit friends and gorge myself on seafood. I have no kids, but I take great joy in my nieces and nephews.
  19. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Well Sgt. Tibbs, I did not really apply there. I used to buy wine there, and had not had a chance to stop by and see them in a while. While I was dropping off resumes, I stopped there just to say Hi to them. During the conversation, I mentioned I was out dropping off resumes, and he caught me off guard by asking me when I wanted to start...

    I totally agree with you on product knowledge. I am learning. Ate a caper today, not very tasty for me. Will try other stuff in the future, except snail.

    To him, life's finer things seem to be food and beverages. To me, although I like some nice wine and such, life's finer moments seem to be things I have experienced and have defined my experience on this rock, and I was curious about what others thought about it.

    And I am trying to learn Sgt. Tibbs, Pesto, traditionally is made from pine nuts and Basil. Pine Nuts come from pine trees. And chipotle peppers are just smoked jalapenos. And yep, I can't spell...

  20. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    Snails are a bit rubbery and chewy they do not have much taste so they are served with garlic butter to give them flavor:puke

    another thing they eat here is Frogs legs (havn't tried them:eek) but one thing i do not understand is what do they do with the rest of the frog.confused
  21. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Catfood? Probably just thrown away.
  22. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Now cooked frog legs I have had, tastes like chicken... I have always wondered what they do with the rest of the frog also. Never heard of frog breast or anything like that.

  23. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    I hear miss piggy buys them in bulk
  24. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    :eek *Kermit just heard that remark!*
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2007
  25. Phantom

    Phantom Brigadier Britches

    There are many things that give me pleasure. Like most, family probably tops the list, but I get a kick from just learning stuff, and gaining a little better understanding of what's around me, and myself, I guess. Yep, geek toys are pretty cool (looking at my new wide screen monitor, a.t.m. ;)).

    Might sound kind of sappy, but I do enjoy helping others out, too, and maybe giving them a few 'good brakes' that they need in life.
    I don't like eating for the sake of it, but I appreciate good quality food, drink etc. The way I look at it, if it's something I have to do at least once or twice a day, I may as well enjoy it, and pass that on to others.

    Not big on many so-called 'delicacies'. But prefer to take ordinary food, and make it into something a bit special, if I have the time.
  26. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    Most definitely my babies top the list, including grandbabies which I was there when at least half of them entered the world. I have to say health, mine not being tip top kinda sucks the enjoyment from a lot of things, such as traveling to visit those precious people I helped join this crazy trip called life.
    Then theres the beach, rain, music, other then that I could be content with a pot of beans and cornbread.
  27. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Well, it looks like I need to widen my horizons to a point. I am still not going to eat any snails! I drank a really nice German Spatlase with some Baby Havarty cheese today... damn, that was good!

    I have a couple of bottles of red wine I got for xmas a few years ago I will try sometime this week. Just have to find a good cheese to go with them.

    Oh yeah, I ate a caper, I do not like them. I need to get some contact lens so I can get back on my bike and get crazy!

    Hope you had a good weekend.

  28. Natakel

    Natakel Guest

    I've heard that before, Fred, about frog tasting like chicken. I say, in that case, just gimme a freakin' chicken! :D I've been told I have had capers . . . but I have no memory of the event . . . probably means I didn't like the taste.

    Nor will I eat snails. My wife likes them . . . not me. Not tried them, don't intend to. I'd like to know who in the dim past took a look at a snail and thought, "I think I'll eat that"

  29. Phantom

    Phantom Brigadier Britches

    ...Frenchmen, 'Nuff said. ;)
  30. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    That is funny!
  31. Scousetechie

    Scousetechie Specialist

    Not living in Liverpool anymore.
  32. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    Probably the same guy who caught HIV from a monkey...
  33. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

    Hearing Kodo's wife call me daddy.
  34. TheSaintOfPain

    TheSaintOfPain Private First Class

    That's kinda like they guy who looked at a cow's udder, and apparently said to himself, "You know, I think I'll drink whatever comes outta those things!":p
    Yet another of life's mysteries, that we may never solve.confused

    Oh, and I think CORPORAL PUNISHMENT is gonna get some punishement himself from KODO!:boxing:boxing:crybaby
  35. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    Thats funnier!!
  36. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    Snails were imported from France and settled quite nicely in the N. American Continent, same as quail.
  37. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    I gag occasionally eating chicken, turned into a self imposed vegetarian. Maybe it's an age thing. OR MY COOKING!!!
  38. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    You have a dang good point. I still ain't eating snails!

  39. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Me, my husband, in a boat, floating down the river, poles in hand, fish biting.


    Me, my husband, on SaintOfPain's deck at 6:00am, 30-06 in my hands, deer at my feet roflmao
  40. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Tried both frog legs (including other parts of frog) and snails...beautifully cooked, tasty and delicious at a French restaurant. But given they are not a staple food (eg chicken, pork, beef, lamb) my choice not to have them again.

    I also believe in showing some courtesy to hosts by eating their foods (even when the food looks as though it's moving which happened in Indonesia:eek).
  41. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    Sorry chicken flavour or not i will not eat [​IMG]
  42. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    LOL *Kermit thanks you from the bottom of his heart*
  43. TheSaintOfPain

    TheSaintOfPain Private First Class

    Believe me, I won't either. Never have entertained the thought of eating something that travels by creating a trail of slime. And has eye stalks. And has a crunchy shell.:puke Really, whoever started that had to be starving, with nothing to hunt, no fish, no full refrigerator, or box of Twinkies anywhere in sight.;):D
  44. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    OMG I'm gaging reading your discription :D
  45. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    LMAO...I didn't get past "eye stalks". Jeez

    And yeah...who was the first person to actually look at a snail and say 'well, don't you look yummy, I'm going to cook you up and eat you'????
  46. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Had a nice beer I have never had. 9.5% alcohol... :D

    This is a nice, light colored beer, with some wine type tastes to it. Westmalle Dubbel, dang, those Trappist monks are some beer making folks!


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