the reason for this post

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by chaimjm, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. chaimjm

    chaimjm Staff Sergeant

    I would just like to say hello again my first post was so short I could hardly recognize myself. OK so little information I have been into PC's for just over 25 years built my first system 23 years ago (it actually cost me more than my present one). I work for a large computer company 30% MF 70% PC. Do a bit magic in my spare time.
    Oh and by the way the reason for this post is to say Hi to the new members that arrived after me :wave
    on one forum I belong to I used to answer to every post in the new member section but then I was brought to task by the admin guys for trying to boost my posts :eek:.
    Just so know that I read all the post (the news papers are to depressing :cry) while having my first coffee break of the day Hi to the older members
    I must get back to work C U

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