Thought Experiment

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Wenchie, Feb 26, 2025.

  1. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    So, my friend and I were doing a thought experiment, and he had real trouble. I wanted to see if the question is hard, or if my friend just lacks imagination.

    So here it is:

    What would the perfect day look like to you?
    You can be as imaginative (unrealistic) as you want, but you have to be specific as possible. ex. "I would sleep in until around noon and have a breakfast burrito with extra cheese and a coffee as black as my soul for breakfast, then..." and I guess try to keep it PG, so I don't get shoes thrown at me. Again...
    He couldn't even figure out what he wanted for breakfast. How's your day looking?
  2. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek


    Sleep until around 10AM, eggs with cheese, bacon and toast or biscuits. Just regular coffee, not black as my soul... Hit the gun range around 2, shoot for a couple of hours. Pickup some type of tasty meat to toss on the grill later on, go home and spend some time in the pool. (Assuming I can pick my season of the year).

    Clean guns, maybe do some ammo reloading, then toss aforementioned meat on the grill, eat, watch movies and have some adult conversations over cigars and Irish whiskey. A firepit would be a must. Some adult time with the wife, and off to blissful sleep.

    Hmm, maybe add some quality BBQ brisket and ice cream in there somewhere after breakfast. Lunch maybe.

    I could easily do several different versions of a perfect day for me. :D

    So, share your perfect day?
    Wenchie likes this.
  3. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    Wake up in the morning to find that I had a full head of hair again. Receive a communication from my estranged son. Discover that I'm the sole winner of Powerball and that I could actually retire.
  4. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    Dream big, man. I'm here for it.

    My ideal day is about as opposite from my actual day as possible. I wake up in my haunted Victorian mansion at the edge of the forest, and the maid brings me an English Muffin with butter and raspberry jam. I wake up alone in that bed, because I no longer have time for nonsense, and go downstairs to my already-has-been-cleaned-but-not-by-me house, and onto the front porch to watch the fog on the sprawling field, overgrown with wildflowers, and listen to the birds and the sounds of the forest waking up while I watch the deer as I drink my breakfast mojito. I put on my super comfortable but wildly out of style outfit and cut through the woods to the village where I am received with a mixture of warmth and trepidation, because the entire town is convinced, I am actually some form of witch. I perch in the cat cafe and read obviously fairy smut, surrounded by kittens I can play with but don't have to change their boxes, and eat a selection of things which will likely give me diabetes. I walk back to the house where my lunch margarita has been prepared and take a long, ridiculously hot, bubble bath - with glitter in it, for flair - then take a nap. Because I'm old. In the evening my maid prepares me some combination of meat and potatoes, or seafood to spice it up, and I go out on the town to find whatever adventures I fancy, until they roll up the sidewalks. Then I go home and game on my PC, because I'm a snob about that, until the wee hours of the morning, or 11 because again, I'm old, and repeat the next day.
    satrow likes this.

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