toshiba laptop downgrading from vista to xp

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by tian2matt2, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. tian2matt2

    tian2matt2 Private E-2

    hi, i have a laptop given to me by my sister. The specs are given below. my problem is that most of the softwares especially games that i want to play doesnt run on Vista, so i decided to downgrade it to XP, is it possible? I already have an XP professional service pack 3 cd installer ready.

    Please kindly help me on this, i dont want to do anything yet until i have somebody's opinion who know better than i do.


    Operating system: Windows Vista Home Premium 6.0 build 60000
    Model: Toshiba Satellite L45
    Processor: Intel Celeron M CPU 520 @1.60GHz Direct X10
    Memory: 1 GB of RAM
    Embedded Video: Mobile Intel 945 GM/GU Express Chipset
    Chip type: Intel GMA 950
    Video memory: 224 Mb
    Current Display Mode: 1280 x 800 32bit 60Hz

    Hoping somebody will help me. Thanks:):):):)
  2. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Great question! Not many people ask first.
    There are a lot of problems downgrading to XP, but it can be done.
    First thing you need to do is find the XP versions of your drivers.
    You will need something like Everest Free Edition in order to find out exactly what hardware you have.
    If you need more help, post a thread in the Drivers Forum.

    And welcome to MG.:wave
  3. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    welcome :wave
  4. tian2matt2

    tian2matt2 Private E-2

    Musksnipe thank you for that prompt reply. I'll follow your advise and will update you on my developments. Thanks again
  5. tian2matt2

    tian2matt2 Private E-2

    thanks kestrel13, im so happy that someone answers.
  6. tian2matt2

    tian2matt2 Private E-2


    Hi, im already downloading the everest software. one more thing, i also have the original cd's ( toshiba drivers) that came with the laptop when my sister gave it to me. Hope this info will help.

  7. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

    You are in safe hands with muskie;)
  8. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    That sounds like a darn commercial. LOL

    @ tian2matt2
    You'll need to find at least your Chipset, Audio, Video, and Network (Wireless/Ethernet/LAN) drivers, in the XP versions.. The rest will depend on what you have in your system.

    BTW the way have you tried running those games in Vista's compatibility mode?
  9. duckfeet

    duckfeet Corporal

    That's what I was thinking: I know I was so exposed to the *anti* vista crowd that I never even tried it, and also was always getting rid of Vista, and trying to install xp...until I *tried* Vista, and found that it was speedy, and I actually liked it...

    I've been working all week on my Mom's new laptop, and it has all kinds of "slowdown" problems, and she thought it was vista, but *no* it's just all the crap that HP--and other sneaky commercial apps--came loaded on the lapptop...which I have been steadily I was thinking that OP might want to try what you what musksnipe suggested, as I found that Vista itself, is pretty good... (and expensive to replace, once it's gone)...XP--and it's fans--are just going thru what all windows users have been going thru since the DOS days, which is being absolutely convinced that microsoft is trying to force garbage on them....

    Nah, MS is too competitive for that....


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