Trojan, Spyware, Adware, Common Hijacker??

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by dduecy, Nov 11, 2004.

  1. dduecy

    dduecy Private E-2

    Help! I've bought more software than I'm sure I need - or might ever need - but still have 'something' in my computer.

    1. I've bought Adware SE Pro (and updated) and run it - it shows "[4] Virtumunde";

    2. I am a Norton 2005 subscriber (and updated) and scanned computer and it shows a. "infoweb.exe (virtumonde)"; b. ~519883.tmp Adware.Huntbar; c. ~838069.tmp Adware.Huntbar; d. ~907836.tmp Adware.Huntbar; and e. ~932441.tmp Adware.Huntbar. I've run the Huntbar Removal tool (Norton's) and IT tells me after an eon of scanning that it's not there.

    3. I've got Spybot S&D - and updated it - after scanning, it shows: a. Common hijacker (2 entries); b. DSO Exploit (5 entries); and c. ATLEvents.ATLEvents (virtumundo) (4) entires. I ran the Spybot to rid the system of DSO Exploit but it wouldn't load and would lock up.

    4. Then I installed AVG thinking what the heck? Well, it lists SIX "Trojan horses" a. PSW.Agent.2.AQ = lldsmw.dat; b. PSW.Agent.2.AQ = ofnipxe.dat; c. Droppe.Agent.AG = Patch231.exe; d. Droppe.Agent AG = Patch261.exe; e. Droppe.Small.7.AB = Patch321.exe; and f. PSW.Agent.2.AQ = siiyalp.dat.

    Can anyone tell me what I might have - besides a mess?

    Should I just delete and reinstall everything?

    Can I be helped?


  2. dduecy

    dduecy Private E-2

    :rolleyes: Yes, I am replying to myself. I am afraid I haven't done everything I'm supposed to do before seeking help from the board. I will (try) to do everything asked of me before posting (again). See ya.

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