unable to update bios

Discussion in 'Software' started by Nexus_, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. Nexus_

    Nexus_ Staff Sergeant

    I hope someone can assist with this matter

    I am running windowx xp sp3 and have a current bios of 1.07
    The desktop i am using is an hp 5100 sff model

    It appears the bios can only be ran through xp and only through a floppy drive (something i don't have).

    Even if i do find my floppy drive i know i dont have any floppy disks and even after all this i am unsure if the bios update would even work. So to avoid buying unnecessary things i wouldn't even have use for besides this issue.

    I found a free virtual floppy drive from sourceforge which i installed , the bios file then wrote an image to my virtual drive. However since the virtual drive runs off windows xp and not actually hardware the i cannot boot the bios from the f9 boot menu..

    I tried to see if i could extract the img file from the virtual drive but the file would not be readable. What i wanted to do is extract the img file and load it via a usb drive by writing the img file through something like rufus.

    I cannot seem to do this, is there any recommendation someone can suggest. One of the reasons i want to update my bios is because i maxed out my memory to 4 gb and i keep getting the f1 configuration system showing up everytime i boot my system which is utterly annoying.

    I messed with other settings in the bios and nothing seems to solve this issue. I am not mixing memory my cmos battery is fine and i even replaced it with a new one, my computer according to hp supports 4 gb..

    Even if i would go through all this trouble i am still not sure updating the bios will solve my issue either...
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Disconnect the CD drive. See if the F1 appears on a cold boot.

    I read a thread where replacing the CD drive made F1 go away.
  3. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Create the bootable USB in Rufus, mount the img in the virtual floppy and copy the files..Here is a better explanation


    Yeah, now days you have to be able to flash from USB keys if you don't have a USB Floppy laying around or a real floppy drive.

    Its been a while but I remember seeing (non vendor specific) programs to flash from Windows, but it would be a try at your own risk.
  4. Nexus_

    Nexus_ Staff Sergeant

    The cd drive/ dvd drive cannot be an issue because i don't even have one on this computer i took it off long before i started installing any operating systems etc..
    The message does not pop up if i put less than 3 gb , if i fill all 4 slots then the message does pop up

    The problem is i cant get an img file otherwise i think i would be able to create a bootable usb drive with rufus which i am familar on doing so.

    The vfd i downloaded is this one http://sourceforge.net/projects/vfd/

    I execute the .exe bios file from the hp website ( 1.10 A bios version) and it writes it to my virtual floppy drive. Then i save that virtual floppy drive file it creates to my desktop but it the format it says its unspecified which is the problem i am having since it doesn't have a valid extension for rufus to create some sort of bootable file.

    The reasons i want to update my bios is to if in the future i can to add other supported processors i can do so. Another one is my memory problem i am having its annoying to get the f1 pop up every time i load my computer and it makes me do it twice which kind of defeats the purpose to an extent of my SSD fast boot up .

    My computer says it reads 3,3xx of it then later it says it reads 3 gb. the operating systems detect 4 gb but only use 3 gb total. I know 32 bit operating system won't use the full 4 gb but i usually have been able to use about 3.7 or even 3.5 out of the 4 gb.

    Someone mentioned that the extra gb is being taken by my video card which is a 1gb video card but i don't have this issue with a different 32 bit machine.. Besides if i put 3 gb total in this machine if reads all 3 gb regardless if i have my 1 gb card in or not its just with 4 gb that its not detecting the other stick in operating systems even though the motherboard finds all sticks
  5. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    When you run VFD, you create a blank floppy a:, then you run the bios exe, it should write the files to the disk, not an .img. When the bios completes you should be able to go to My Computer, and open the floppy drive and see the files there.
    When you run the exe sure you're not supposed to extract it to your C: drive then run another exe that writes the img file to the floppy?

    Can you link to the bios file on the site? That would help.
  6. Nexus_

    Nexus_ Staff Sergeant

  7. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Tools: Rufus and Universal Extractor

    Follow my HowToGeek post to create a DOS flash drive.
    Run the installer, it defaults to
    Install universal extractor if you haven't already.
    In the Sp33315 folder open / extract UCODE.IMG to a folder, then copy those files on to your DOS bootable flash drive - like in the tutorial.
    Then it looks like when you boot the drive you can run ROMPACK.EXE /f COBIASU0.10A

    Just because I told you how to load a gun, I am not responsible if you blow your foot off.
    If you brick it, I no buy it.
  8. Nexus_

    Nexus_ Staff Sergeant

    Tried this and it didn't work i re checked 3 times i did everything correctly and i get an error when i boot from the usb

    '' bad or missing interpreter''
  9. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

  10. Nexus_

    Nexus_ Staff Sergeant

    I couldn't figure out how to use this software even with the instructions provided. I kept getting an error whenever i tried to put the msdos file for it to make a bootable drive.

    I suppose right now its either buy a floppy drive and update bios that way ( and i still don't know if it would solve the memory issue) or take away 1 gigabyte stick. I just never been one to mess with older computers to actually personally use them as i don't see a point, but i had spare parts lying around so i figured i would try to make use of this older pc.
  11. Nexus_

    Nexus_ Staff Sergeant

    hm so even with finally getting a floppy drive and floppy disks i can't install the bios..

    I know my floppy drive works and the floppy disks were brand new....

    When i install the vios in windows xp the command prompt box pops up and then it says '' getting Drive A ready'' press any key to continue

    I hit enter and it says '' drive not ready failed''

    Any help please?
  12. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Does the floppy drive show up under A: or B: in 'my' computer?
    Go to C:\swsetup (default extract location of the sp??? whatever file)
    Right click UCODE.BAT and select edit (open in notepad)
    go to this line
    copydisk UCODE.IMG A:

    Change A: to B: (if the floppy is listed as B: in windows).
  13. Nexus_

    Nexus_ Staff Sergeant

    the floppy drive actually shows up as both A and B



  14. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Did you change the line to use B: and then run it?

    B: must be the usb floppy. A: is cake.

    Or are my instructions to hard to figure out again?

    FYI the cake is a lie.
  15. Nexus_

    Nexus_ Staff Sergeant

    Got it working but i probably should have just taken out the extra ram and stuck with the 1.07

    When it installed the new bios it said it was successful however after it rebooted my computer doesn't seem to work properly now

    It boots to the main bios screen but the color is all washed out , then the screen turns black immediately i cannot pick options or anything

    Is there any way to revert back?

    Edit actually i think its toast now its now all black without any image when i boot the pc, i see no initial logo screen its completely black

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