uninstalling spyware software programs

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by chasrowe, Aug 5, 2006.

  1. chasrowe

    chasrowe Private E-2

    I had a real mess today with my daughters computer. Installed a new program, McAfee then tried to delete the older verson of Panda for same reason. A techie at STaples had to manually remove each file from Panda, then reinstall the new McAfee verson.

    My home computer had pest patrol and spyware.bot. I want to delete these safely, and install the spybot software mentioned in consumer report this month. I want to avoid any of the problems I ran into today.

    Please advise how to do this safely. Thanks.
  2. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Well, I have some disagreements first. Pest PAtrol is pretty decent, if you paid for it, leave it in place. You can run multiple anti-spyware tools, Spybot will require you to start and run the program to scan, maybe weekly. Of course, my other problem is chain stores naturally sell you Mcafee or Norton's, both do a fair job, but there are free alternatives such as AVG or Avast that work as well or better with less computer useage. Also, Mcafee has been in the press lately with some bugs.

    As for deleting safely, simply go to your control panel, add\remove programs and choose uninstall for what you want to remove.

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