"Universal Theme Patcher" for Win 7, is it safe?, have you used it?

Discussion in 'Software' started by icekool, Jul 5, 2010.

  1. icekool

    icekool Private E-2

    Just wanted to ask if anyone had used the theme patcher for Win 7 64bit, I have seen some really nice (3rd party) dark themes for Win 7 and would really like to apply them as I dont really like the very limited normal selection with basically the same old transparent taskbar and window title bars........or is this a big "No Go, No Way, Don't Touch With Bargepole" type of thing??

    Any input very much appreciated as I dont want to download anything without checking with people first.
  2. tunered

    tunered MajorGeek

    Back a few years ago these were almost a no-no, i have used a lot of them lately with no ill effects, having said that , there is no way of knowing, download and right click and scan with your antivirus. ed

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