Updating anti virus failure

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by bigpelara, Jul 30, 2006.

  1. bigpelara

    bigpelara Private E-2

    Hi, and HEEELP! My AVG Free (which has been working fine for ages, and updating automatically) says theres an update but when I try to it doesn't. I uninstalled and then downloaded it again, and still the update doesn't work ..
    Any suggestions? I'm using Windows XP.
  2. AbbySue

    AbbySue MajorGeeks Administrator

  3. bigpelara

    bigpelara Private E-2

    I downloaded it (thanks) but how do I install manually?
  4. bigpelara

    bigpelara Private E-2

    Many thanks .... the file I first downloaded didn't work, but after updating all my spyware etc in line with MajorGeeks' recommendations (I've been lazy recently) I tried again from the AVG Control centre and it worked :)
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Glad everything worked out for you :) and Welcome to Majorgeeks :)
  6. bigpelara

    bigpelara Private E-2

    Thank you :)
  7. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Welcome to Major Geeks. :)

  8. bigpelara

    bigpelara Private E-2

    Thank you for the welcome, you sure do make people feel at home :) and that's very reassuring for semi computer literate ones like me!

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