Upgrading Processors

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by NeoNemesis, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    Hi all, just though i would ask from the geeks themselves-even though i am one. What is the best processor out there for the price. I have an Athlon XP 1800+ right now so thats operating at like 1500 mhz. I want to upgrade to get a faster one around 2.5 ghz. I don't really care about whether its intel or athlon, even though athlons are better. I just really care about the price since i'm a kid and I don't have a job yet so I have a low budget. I would be willing to go around 2.2 and up. But I don't want to pay more than $100. I was wondering if anyoen could post any good links to products page of good, cheap processors like on newegg or something. Thanx so much. Also, if you could give me suggestions on which ones too buy. :)
  2. acejones

    acejones A Different Title

    are you wanting to replace your current processor? if so, then you have to get an amd. what motherboard do you have?
  3. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    Socket 462 AMD K7 processors (you were right) tell me if you need more information.
  4. acejones

    acejones A Different Title

    yes...i need to know what motherboard you have. also, what is your budget? i know cheap...but give me a ballpark figure.
  5. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    Socket 462 is more commonly known as Socket A.

    Without knowing your exact make and model of motherboard it's impossible to tell. Sure, you can plug any old Socket A chip in the board physically, but the chipset and the BIOS have to be able to support it, and the motherboard has to be able to supply the correct voltages to the CPU.

    So I repeat acejones's question: What motherboard do you have?
  6. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    sorry umm, here let me get out the manual. All it says on the front cover is System Board PC DDR 266 Socket A M810D series. It also has more information on the inside cover regarding specs for adding more memory and video and sound cards.
  7. acejones

    acejones A Different Title

  8. Wyatt_Earp

    Wyatt_Earp MajorGeek

    You might have to do better than M810D. Assuming it's a PCChips M810D motherboard, there are a few different varieties.

    M810DG - don't know.
    M810DLU (v7.5a) - supports up to a Duron 1800 in addition to whatever CPUs originally.
    M810DLU (v7.5c) - not sure, but it looks like the max is an Athlon XP 2200+

    but there are no plain M810D models.
  9. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    It says its "Unknown" lol...guess it didn't help that much. Unless the other information is what you needed.
  10. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    Mmmm... Unknown goodness.... ;)
  11. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    lol, so what do I do now?
  12. acejones

    acejones A Different Title

    considering you are a kid, ask your parents for more money, or stick with what you have for now.
  13. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    What do you do? First, never buy PC Chips. Ever ever ever. I'll bet you dollars to dimes the reason Everest doesn't identify your motherboard is because PC Chips wouldn't tell them what the ID numbers mean. There is "M810D" in the Mobo ID string, however.


    I see no less than eight versions of the M810D. They have different number of slots. Some have 2 PCI slots, some have 3. Some have AMR slots, some have CNR. Some have on-board video, some have AGP slots, some have both. Some have 2 SDRAM DIMM sockets, some have 1. Some have DDR DIMM sockets, some have both SDR and DDR DIMM sockets.

    Use Everest to determine what your mobo has (or open the case) and start eliminating the possibilities.

    Quite honestly, however, I would save my money and upgrade my mobo before anything else.
  14. acejones

    acejones A Different Title

    basically what i was getting too...lol :D
  15. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    Just noticed some of those M810D's even have onboard processors. No upgrading there, but you said you know you have an XP 1800+, and all the onboards are Durons.
  16. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    I'm trying to figure out why PC Chips is saying those mobos are all the same model when they're only trivially similar. I mean, some of them have Durons soldered on. Yeah, that's the same league as the one with DDR slots and an AGP slot.
  17. acejones

    acejones A Different Title

    thats what you get with PC Chips, I guess...
  18. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    darn this sucks. So if anything I would have to upgrade my mobo and processor? wow. Oh well, can you say christmas present? :p (benefits of being a kid)
  19. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    No, not both necessarily. Socket A mobos are still in production, after all.
  20. acejones

    acejones A Different Title

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