UPS and FedEx virus warning! Caution!

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by DON GAYNOR, Nov 11, 2008.


    DON GAYNOR Sergeant

    I didn't know where to post this warning. If it is inappropriate here, please move it with my apologies.

    I received this email yesterday and wanted to pass it on for whatever its worth. Being fore-armed beats the hassle of trying to fix it later after the fact.


    With Christmas fast approaching . . . . . . . . . . .watch out for this... be alert..

    Please read the following. It applies to FedEx as

    well, Thanks.


    The newest virus circulating is the UPS Delivery Failure.

    You will receive an email from UPS Packet Service along

    with a packet number. NOTE: The word packet is mis-spelled

    on this line. It will say that they were un-able to

    deliver a package sent to you on such and such a date. It

    then asks you to print out the invoice copy attached.


    Pass this warning on to all your PC operators at work and

    home. This virus has caused Millions of dollars in damage

    in the past few days.

    Snopes confirms that it is real:


  2. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    Read the whole snopes article, printing a page can't infect you with a virus, but opening the word.doc attachment can. If your gonna post an article please have all your info correct. I know your trying to be helpful, but making people worry about printing a page can infect their pc, even through not the intending message, is confusing enough for people.

    DON GAYNOR Sergeant

    Looks like a case of: "No good deed goes unpunished!"
    I only meant to protect others from the possible infection and data loss that I recently suffered. If, after reading the warning, you elect to print the invoce that's your folly. I, for one, will not.
    Sorry to invoke your ire. You are right, I didn't read the article, the warning was enough to convince me.
    Private E2 aka "Slick Sleeve"
  4. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    No, listen to me, printing anything can't cause a virus to infect your pc. Its opening the attachment that does the infection. Just wanting to make that clear, so people dont panic about starting to print stuff. Majorgeeks prides it self on having the most accurate information, just trying to uphold this. Sorry you took offense at this. But you shouldn't.

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