Usb Aio What Program To Use?

Discussion in 'Software' started by CaveHermit, May 7, 2017.

  1. CaveHermit

    CaveHermit Private E-2

    Long time lurker, first time poster.
    I've grown tired of beating my brain against this one.. (Plus the time wasted.) makes my brain box hurt.
    I'm trying to make a USB bootable with the following on it.
    Parted Magic (Default boot option).
    Windows 10 PE (Prefer options for both x86 and x64. Two (2) total choices).
    Windows 10 Installs (Prefer options for both [x86 and x64] and both [Pro and Home]. Four (4) total choices).
    Windows 8.1 Installs (Prefer options for both [x86 and x64] and both [Pro and Home]. Four (4) total choices).
    Windows 7 + SP1 Installs (Prefer options for both [x86 and x64] and variants [Ultimate, Pro and Home Premium]. Four (8) total choices).

    Now I've been using WinSetupFromUSB 1.7.. It works fine (but slow). And I can make it do what I want to except for the Windows 8.1 and below installs/setups. I got my images from Microsoft, and I've tried a FEW home brew AIO's for all the Win versions, but no success. SO I'm asking for any/all help/suggestions.
    Thanks. CaveHermit
  2. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

  3. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

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