Used hard drive = Blue Screen of Death

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by theprincess, Oct 6, 2007.

  1. theprincess

    theprincess Private E-2

    Please help me. I put an old /new to me hard drive in a DELL inspirion 2500 It work at first but It didn't have a cursor. I installed new mouse driver, it worked fine. I turned it off. But now when I try to turn it on it gets to the Windows screen before the Welcome screen then Blue screen of death. :cry And I don't have a Clue what to do. Please help and Thank You:
  2. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Post the errors and machine specs.
  3. theprincess

    theprincess Private E-2

    Hey thanks but I've decided to trash it and Start fresh I'm too old for the headache. I'm really New at all of this. I hope ya'll don't get sick of my questions. thanks again ,

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