Using quotes on forums

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by msidea, Jan 23, 2008.

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  1. msidea

    msidea Private First Class

    Hi MJ,

    When responding to a post,

    1. how do you quote more than one section of a posters comments?
    2. can you quote more than one poster within your response?

  2. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    You can quote one entire post using the quote button in the bottom right corner of that post. (see second thumbnail)
    You can copy and paste the bits you want to quote by highlighting it after pasting it into the reply box and then clicking the quote button in the reply box.(that will automatically wrap it in quotes)
    Or click the quote button first and paste in between the brackets. (see first thumbnail)
    To add their name, in the first quote tag, put =their name

    Attached Files:

  3. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    • Copy the other person's Post and include the start and end Quote commands.
    • Paste the whole of the other person's Post within your own "Reply to Thread" area.
    • Edit in or out whatever you wish to remove or add to the other person's Post.
    • Following the end Quote command (ie the [/QUOTE]), type in your own comments.
    • Repeat the above actions for extracting whatever portion of the other person's Post you wish to quote and respond to.

    Yes. One way is to:
    • Copy/paste different Posts of posters in total into a Word document.
    • Edit it to include your own responses after each "Post",
    • Then paste your Word document's contents into the MG "Reply to Thread" area.

    Use the "Preview" option to check your format/response layout is to your satisfaction before hitting the "Submit Reply" option.

    Hope that helps...clear as mud?!:pLOL
  4. msidea

    msidea Private First Class

    Thanks! :major (I love that smiley!)
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