
Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Wenchie, Feb 7, 2025.

  1. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    Hey, I know it's a Card Store holiday, and St. Valentine would not be impressed, but what's everyone doing for the old VD. Catching one? Going out? Nothing at all? My brother calls it single's awareness day.

    That's me, I left a long-term relationship recently, so I bought my kids some chocolate and that's the extent of it here, since they're too old to pass out cards between lessons.
  2. Bob D

    Bob D Private E-2

    I ordered a new vacuum cleaner, should be here on the 14th nothing else happening.
  3. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    My computer is dying. It turns on, fires up, sees the monitors, then turns off. I can't bring up the bios. I think the CPU is fried, because the fan has been kicking on too easily. I've also been sure my MB was on the way out for a while, and one of the drives.

    So, that's how I'll be spending singles awareness day. Going to dismantle and reseat everything, move all files to one drive, and wipe it. While I babysit my grandson so his mom can go on a date.

    Maybe if I can get it working, my newly adopted daughter can have it for Christmas. I'll just focus on finding a laptop for work and getting a new mid-level one. I was using this one for work, art, and gaming.

    Although, not working at the moment - to take care of 3 special needs kids - so that will be tough, and I have to save up for a new one. Good times. Now I just have a Roku and the thoughts in my head. Scary stuff.

    I wish $1500 just falls from the sky, for everyone, not just me. New gaming PC's, all around!
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2025
  4. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    I hope everyone has a good day!!

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