Vista Home Basic or Premium

Discussion in 'Software' started by gal1998, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. gal1998

    gal1998 solo-cob

    I would like some opinions on the difference, if any, that people have with running either Basic or Premium.

    I have Basic on my laptop. I am thinking of upgrading to Premium. Has anyone had experiences good or bad with the any time upgrade? I know I have enough ram as I have added some.

    Any and all opinions appreciated.
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Gal

    Wondering what the thought is behind upgrading to Home Premium from Basic, is there a task that you cannot do with Basic?

    If everything works then no major reason to upgrade to Home Premium, unless you wish to take advantage of some other core add-ons that this version brings, in Backup, Aero desktop look ( need an Aero WDDM capable GFX Card ), Media Center?

    I have run the senario of the anytime upgrade, but only during testing of it, worked ok for me, but not run it in past year on the final version of Vista.
  3. gal1998

    gal1998 solo-cob

    No specific reason, I guess. What I have works fine. In the back of my mind is the mah jong game I think you are the one who told me about this.

    Just wondered if others had done it and if there were troubles. And, if the extra money is worth it.
  4. solaris89

    solaris89 First Sergeant

    Home Premium has Mah Jong Titans, likely shoots the price up at least a dime. :D
  5. gal1998

    gal1998 solo-cob

    I know. I was kidding. Halo had told me it was in Vista, but then realized not in Basic, just Premium.

    I was just trying to get some opinions if anyone had upgraded and if it was worth the money.
  6. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Gal

    Oh so I did on the Maj Jong, neat game to pass the time though, dunno if just for that its worth updating, as I dont know the update price from Basic to Premium in the USA, what is the cost of going from Basic to Premium?

    If the cost is not too much, and you dont feel it would be a waste then hey why not upgrade, I've known folk go from Premium to Ultimate and that for the home user adds zilch! apart from Ultimate Extras, which is at this moment nothing to write home about, could get better once more Extras are released ( Like a few last week ).
  7. gal1998

    gal1998 solo-cob

    I think it is around $80, but after getting the news today that I might be out of a job July 31, I think I better just stick with what I have.

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