Vista reformat without losing data?

Discussion in 'Software' started by MTHall51, May 14, 2009.

  1. MTHall51

    MTHall51 Specialist

    It has been so long since I have tried this that I forgot how to do it.
    Is there a way to reformat my hard drive either WITH or WITHOUT losing data without needing a bootdable DVD? I have the OS on a DVD but have forgotten if it is a bootable one or not. I want to reinstall VISTA.
  2. Aimee Wilbury

    Aimee Wilbury Staff Sergeant

    If you have a recovery partition, you can use that. Or you can create one, but I don't remember how.

    To not lose data, you back it up.
  3. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    format = data lose

    windows repair install = data remains, operating system is fixed.
  4. collinsl

    collinsl MajorGeek

    In all cases you will probably need a bootable CD.
  5. MTHall51

    MTHall51 Specialist

    I just realized I no longer have my key code so will not be able to reload Vista after all.
    Now I need to try again to repair Win Installer which I have not done correctly it looks like.
  6. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  7. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi MT

    Easy way to check is to enter your BIOS and change the 1st boot device to CDROM (F10 to save & exit) and then pop in CD and see if it boots to DVD, can always exit the installer process.

    Remembered some of the older type keyfinders dont like Vista, even with running as admin, but Everest Free should work, if not install the trial of the Everest Ultimate version and click Software > Licences (or Belarc iirc works ok for this too)

    If you're reformatting you will have to re-install all your applications again and depending on what SP level your Vista DVD is at, the latest SP level again in SP1 (but tip is to download the full installer of the SP and install as soon as Vista is installed) Full SP1*

    Backup all data is the best way to external HDD or DVD, one way to do this is built into Vista in Easy Transfer Wizard (tried this a few times and works fine in what its designed to do) BUT woudl still do a manual backup of important data/files and settings.

    Steps for clean new install HERE (picked this one as it has images on the steps)

    *SP2 is imminent but was delayed and full download version is not available unless you have Technet or MSDN account, but will soon appear on AutoUpdate in next few months with slow release schedule for various locations globally.
  8. Alter-Divide

    Alter-Divide Private E-2

    Well if you have a BartPE or some similar OS running on the cd, you can do a fresh reinstall without losing the data.

    In my case on XP,

    Boot from BartPe

    move all your valueble files to the root folder ex. C:\

    rename/delete the system files and folders

    Reinstall the OS without reformatting the hard drive.
  9. MTHall51

    MTHall51 Specialist

    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their help and input. Someone suggested to me that I try a free key finder program, which resulted in my old DVD with the OS, which I finally discovered, working out ok. Decided to just go ahead with data erasure since everything, almost, was on my external HD.
    Just one rather shocking problem.
    My PST backup files for MS Outlook 2007 which I thought were safe on the external HD with contacts, and old emails, is showing no contents now that I am up and running again. Still not that familiar with outlook so it is possible I did something wrong.

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