Wanabe Geek here!!Hello to All..

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by chug58, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. chug58

    chug58 Private E-2

    Hey to all you Geeks and Geeks in training. I'm studying when I can about all this computer stuff and this site really helps. I hope to be a computer Geek soon!
    I would imagine that someone has already asked the question "How do I uninstall IE 7?" and go back to IE6, but I thought I would give it a try here.
    I'm new at this as you can probably tell and "relatively" old:).
    Even if this goes without an answer I will still enjoy the great site you have put together here...THANKS

  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hi and welcome. :) You can definitely learn lots here.

    As far as your question, I'm pretty sure you can go into your Add/Remove Programs and uninstall IE7. That should revert you back to IE6.

    Let someone more experienced verify before doing that though.
  3. chug58

    chug58 Private E-2

    Wow, that was fast....Thank you LauraR. I will take your advise and wait just a little while and see if I get any additional advice..:innocent
  4. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    You're welcome. :)

    And this is from microsoft's website under the How do I install/uninstall IE 7 (http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/ie/iefaq.mspx):

    To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 to return to Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP

    1. Click "Start," and then click "Control Panel."
    2. Click "Add or Remove Programs."
    3. Check "Show Updates" at the top of the dialog box.
    4. Scroll down the list and highlight the version of Internet Explorer 7 that you are running, and then click "Change/Remove." (If you are running Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview — March 20 or later, it is not necessary to check "Show Updates.")
    5. Select the appropriate version of Internet Explorer 7 for your operating system.
  5. Cat_w_9_lives

    Cat_w_9_lives Major KittyCat

    Hi n Welcome to MG's

    additional advice....Yep Laura is right, should revert back to IE6

    Enjoy your stay,


    * Is there a problem with IE7, if so you can post in software and get help fixing it or do you just not care for the update?
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2007
  6. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    Welcome to Major Geeks :major
  7. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    hi and welcome to the forums..
  8. MickeyRoush

    MickeyRoush Specialist

    Welcome to :majorgeeks
  9. chug58

    chug58 Private E-2

    Thanks for the warm welcome all!!

    In answer to you question Cat w/9 lives...I haven't had any major problems with IE7. I just wanted to go back to IE6 because I think it's a little more straight forward and simple to use. I don't use it very often lately because I started using Mozilla Firefox and prefer it to anything MS has come up with to date:crap...
    I still have to use IE occasionally because of some video and audio conflicts at some websites while using Firefox, but as soon as Firefox fixes all the bugs and or I learn how to use it better:eek:, I will dump IE altogether..

    Thanks again for helping this "wanabe":major

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