Wanted To Know About Mac Forum

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Raphee, Sep 12, 2016.

  1. Raphee

    Raphee Private First Class

    Hi all.

    I am a long time visitor and admirer of MG. However I just got a Macbook and wanted to know if MG also helps with those, since I am having troubles locating the relevant threads for a Mac. Or do you know a good forum which might be similar to MG but also works on Mac.

    By the way, although the Mac is a beautiful machine, I do reckon that Windows 10 is just about getting to the point where it can match the Mac OS X. Plus the added advantage of shorter learning curve is a definite plus along with all the freeware we get in Windows that isn't available in Mac. So do think carefully before buying a Mac.

  2. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    When we can, we will help with Mac, Linux & Android, not just Windows.

    You can also find Mac software (freeware & shareware) on the main site.

    When we can't help, and for all things Mac-related, I suggest you visit here:

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