was it a plane who hit PENTAGON on 9/11?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by infoseeker, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. infoseeker

    infoseeker Master Sergeant

    i saw also some plane wreckage in accident crash but this one is quetionable
    and not because i saw the video, why there is no video from PENTAGON on that accicdent? they are the one of the most secured building in this planet

    i play again and again, now im in doubt also?:confused: :mad:


    im not been got out in my country, nor go to US
    can somebody give any opinion on the video?
  2. HarleyK

    HarleyK Private E-2

    You have to ask yourself why this video was released. A video of a dodgy angle filming something that is pretty much non-recognisable.

    As that movie touches on - why weren't the rest of the videos, filmed by cameras in superior positions ever released?

    Probably because you'd be able to see what actually hit the Pentagon....
  3. infoseeker

    infoseeker Master Sergeant

    first, i will not ask my self why this video released
    most of the people getting idea to search something in no time
    (same as geek, some solution will not come when the problem occurs or looking for why, solution comes in other way that you are not thinking of it)

    i saw some video when the WTC hit by airplane
    but surely i didnt see any video when Pentagon hit
    (hopefully your not police/cia/fbi:confused: )
  4. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    Aproaching it from a different angle, why would they lie about something like this? 3 planes down, 2 actually completeing their mission (verified), a 4th doesn't bother me one way or another whether it happened or not.

    It does not take a skilled pilot to hit something. The skill comes in when you gently want to kiss it during landing, or take off, neither of which any of these yahoos had to do.

    There is enough stuff this administration has done and covered up, no need to make something up.
  5. mgpower0

    mgpower0 Corporal

  6. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    There are about five more videos of the incident,Runsfeld says "theres nothing interesting on them",as he said for the planes black boxes,even relatives who have heard exerts from the recordings wernt allowed to take notes :confused:

    The Pentagon video doesnt show anything,why the one frame was removed and a couple of years later added which doesnt show anything anyway has me stumped,its hard to come to any other conclusion than cover up,the five or so other videos still havnt been released,if I were a conspiracy nut this would be like throwing fuel onto a fire for me as you could assume they are doctoring all the other videos to match the first as they would all have to match perfectly which is an almost impossible task even with current technology

    In the mean time Patriots will say the gov has a reason and conpiracy nuts will keep cashing in,aliens did it,the government did it,Elvis did it,BUT alot of the 'government did it' are becoming a pretty real problem enough to actually effect votes,in that light I'm even more busmuddled why the videos havnt been released, be honest show them,if theres nothing there fine everyone will shut up,its hard for me to come to any other conclusion that they want this rift thats happening in the country, some stories have made it to national televised news ie. Charlie sheens outburst,why not silence the doubters?

    Maybe they are heading for one big home run,eventually they will release the vids and pics and say"there see we told you so,we wernt lying,next time trust us with whatever actions we take,dont question us" who knows its all conjecture I just dont understand what they are playing at :confused:
  7. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    That white blur cannot be a Boeing 757 clearly and its either a small commuter jet or a Tomahawk Cruise Missle cause the missles have cordite in them which gives them that silvery bright flash at explosion. If the Pentagon really wants to proves they are not covering anything up, why not release the tapes. The WTC tapes clearly show planes hittin em, why not prove that another plane hit the Pentagon. Releasing 5 frames of crappy image wont help anyways.
  8. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    That can easily be explained,the planes are magnesium and aluminium alloy maganlium,when that hits steel reinforced concrete at 500mph it will ignite in an instant bright flash

    cruise missiles also dont have cordite in,they have RNX or similar the flash is over in milliseconds usually the only thing you will see is the debree being supa heated by the intensity of the explosion and burning,the explosion in the clip is clearly a fuel air explosion its the only kind of explosion that would have caused that much flame
  9. acejones

    acejones A Different Title

    from an article on popularmechanics.com

    At 9:37 am on 9/11, 51 minutes after the first plane hit the World Trade Center, the Pentagon was similarly attacked. Though dozens of witnesses saw a Boeing 757 hit the building, conspiracy advocates insist there is evidence that a missile or a different type of plane smashed into the Pentagon.

    Big Plane, Small Holes
    Two holes were visible in the Pentagon immediately after the attack: a 75-ft.-wide entry hole in the building's exterior wall, and a 16-ft.-wide hole in Ring C, the Pentagon's middle ring. Conspiracy theorists claim both holes are far too small to have been made by a Boeing 757. "How does a plane 125 ft. wide and 155 ft. long fit into a hole which is only 16 ft. across?" asks reopen911.org, a Web site "dedicated to discovering the bottom line truth to what really occurred on September 11, 2001."
    The truth is of even less importance to French author Thierry Meyssan, whose baseless assertions are fodder for even mainstream European and Middle Eastern media. In his book The Big Lie, Meyssan concludes that the Pentagon was struck by a satellite-guided missile--part of an elaborate U.S. military coup. "This attack," he writes, "could only be committed by United States military personnel against other U.S. military personnel."

    When American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon's exterior wall, Ring E, it created a hole approximately 75 ft. wide, according to the ASCE Pentagon Building Performance Report. The exterior facade collapsed about 20 minutes after impact, but ASCE based its measurements of the original hole on the number of first-floor support columns that were destroyed or damaged. Computer simulations confirmed the findings.
    Why wasn't the hole as wide as a 757's 124-ft.-10-in. wingspan? A crashing jet doesn't punch a cartoon-like outline of itself into a reinforced concrete building, says ASCE team member Mete Sozen, a professor of structural engineering at Purdue University. In this case, one wing hit the ground; the other was sheared off by the force of the impact with the Pentagon's load-bearing columns, explains Sozen, who specializes in the behavior of concrete buildings. What was left of the plane flowed into the structure in a state closer to a liquid than a solid mass. "If you expected the entire wing to cut into the building," Sozen tells PM, "it didn't happen."
    The tidy hole in Ring C was 12 ft. wide--not 16 ft. ASCE concludes it was made by the jet's landing gear, not by the fuselage.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    HOLE TRUTH: Flight 77’s landing gear punched a 12-ft. hole into the Pentagon’s Ring C. PHOTOGRAPH BY DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

    Intact Windows
    Many Pentagon windows remained in one piece--even those just above the point of impact from the Boeing 757 passenger plane. Pentagonstrike.co.uk, an online animation widely circulated in the United States and Europe, claims that photographs showing "intact windows" directly above the crash site prove "a missile" or "a craft much smaller than a 757" struck the Pentagon.

    Some windows near the impact area did indeed survive the crash. But that's what the windows were supposed to do--they're blast-resistant.
    "A blast-resistant window must be designed to resist a force significantly higher than a hurricane that's hitting instantaneously," says Ken Hays, executive vice president of Masonry Arts, the Bessemer, Ala., company that designed, manufactured and installed the Pentagon windows. Some were knocked out of the walls by the crash and the outer ring's later collapse. "They were not designed to receive wracking seismic force," Hays notes. "They were designed to take in inward pressure from a blast event, which apparently they did: [Before the collapse] the blinds were still stacked neatly behind the window glass."

    Flight 77 Debris
    Conspiracy theorists insist there was no plane wreckage at the Pentagon. "In reality, a Boeing 757 was never found," claims pentagonstrike.co.uk, which asks the question, "What hit the Pentagon on 9/11?"

    Blast expert Allyn E. Kilsheimer was the first structural engineer to arrive at the Pentagon after the crash and helped coordinate the emergency response. "It was absolutely a plane, and I'll tell you why," says Kilsheimer, CEO of KCE Structural Engineers PC, Washington, D.C. "I saw the marks of the plane wing on the face of the building. I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane, and I found the black box." Kilsheimer's eyewitness account is backed up by photos of plane wreckage inside and outside the building. Kilsheimer adds: "I held parts of uniforms from crew members in my hands, including body parts. Okay?"
  10. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

  11. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    Notice thats a high speed camera there are around 10 frames of the missile covering 75 feet travelling around 700 mph and around 7 frames of the fireball,the camera on the pentagon is a time lapse camera I'm not sure what the lapse is was it a second:confused: yet the fireball lasts for 5 frames say 2.5 seconds for arguements sake,I'd guess the camera in the gif. is running at around 1000 fps the fireball lasts for 7 frames,thats o.oo7 of a second,the explosion in the pentagon clip lasts in the order THOUSANDS of times longer than the explosion seen in that clip,meaning it couldnt have been explosives and only fuel in the 'projectile' that hit the pentagon
  12. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Lets not factor out that a tomahawk cruise missle has a max speed of 640 miles per hour while a Boeing 757 has a max of 540 miles per hour. If a missle hit that fast, wouldnt it cause the same explosion seen on the 5 frames of Pentagon footage?
  13. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    You'v lost me,why would it?

    EDIT why would the explosion last a thousand times longer and look like a fuel explosion,because of the extra energy involved with an extra 100mph?
  14. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    Most (all?) of the WTC videos were taken by non-government sources.
    Onlookers, media, etc. That is why they were released.
    Too many to censor, even if they (government) wanted to. Bazza


  15. HarleyK

    HarleyK Private E-2


    The WTC videos would always have been released - the amount of people in New York and in the WTC themselves would have been too much evidence for the government to say otherwise. And as Bazza said - the videos came from news stations all over the world.

    However, and as touched - the Pentagon was a totally different kettle of fish. Make no mistake about it - any videos you will see of the Pentagon incident will be government permitting and this leads to the question - why has that video been released and none of the others?

    Furthermore, if 'nothing interesting' appeared on the other videos - what would be to stop them being released anyway - just to settle things? I'm no expert on America, so correct me if I'm wrong - but the few quotes about the Pentagon incident are hardly anything base an actual happening on.

    Many believe the Pentagon incident to be missle-related, again as touched on above (or below if you've got that silly setting on) - I have to say the lack of damage to the Pentagon grass (detailed in the video) is something that definitely causes me to question things.

    Those planes can flip cars even when just running on the ground - so a plane flying at full pelt and supposedly scraping it's belly on the ground (sliding into the Pentagon) doesn't add up at all.
  16. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    The moral of the story is:

    If the government has nothing to hide, then why dont they just release the tapes that they got from the Sheraton Hotel, the gas station, and Route 29? The FBI going in and confiscating the tapes really made things worser than they already were. Its been almost 5 years since the terrible tragedy and the public deserves to know the truth. Releasing 5 crappy blurred frames of what happened to the Pentagon is a bunch of crap. If they really wanna prove a plane hit that building, release the tape. That way conspirators can stop with the bs.
  17. mgpower0

    mgpower0 Corporal

    Thanks acejones, pretty much clears everything up for everyone, you would think.
  18. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Conspiracy theorists are a dime-a-dozen. Anyone can come up with theories, but it's facts that tell the real story.

    I've said this before, but I really feel for the victims and their families having this rubbish planted in their minds.

    And it doesn't just stop with 9/11.

    The Holocaust didn't happen, man didn't walk on the moon, aliens have landed on earth and the government covered it up, the Bird Flu is a Zionist conspiracy, AIDS was started by the CIA, JFK was assassinated by his own government, and so on...... :rolleyes:

    And before I forget, the Internet was invented so it's easier to access quality porn. :)
  19. infoseeker

    infoseeker Master Sergeant

    as what we are doing here
  20. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Exactly, I saw a video on Google or somethign that would have you believe that the WTC was taken down by planted professional explosives and that the plane wreckage at the Pentagon did not fit the plane that hit it. It makes it very convincing. Only problem? Dont know about you, but I watched the planes hit the WTC live on TV like most.

    The JFK theory is quite possible, I always figured the mob whacked him.

  21. mgpower0

    mgpower0 Corporal

    exactly right insomniac, these families have been through more than enough without people trying to tell them that their own government was responsible for this.
  22. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Wasn't there a theory where they suspected the Soviet Union?

    That's at least plausible, and so is a mob contract, but some of the other so-called conspiracies are ludicrous.

    Don't know how they can expect anyone to believe 9/11 was a conspiracy.

    Apart from the whole world watching it live, there were plenty of people who escaped and witnessed it first hand.

    But off-course, they're all part of the conspiracy.

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