Watchdog Error?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Chucky Buck, Jul 22, 2020.

  1. Chucky Buck

    Chucky Buck Private E-2

    Can anyone tell me what the "watchdog error is. I started getting it last week and now I get it about every hour. What is it? How may I best fix it? Is it hardware or software?

  2. _nullptr

    _nullptr Major Geeky Geek Geek

    Go to C:\Windows\Minidump and copy the *.dmp files to your desktop.
    Zip the files and attach them to your post.
    I'll see if the dumps identify the cause.
  3. Chucky Buck

    Chucky Buck Private E-2

    Can't upload it. Says it is to large?
  4. Chucky Buck

    Chucky Buck Private E-2

  5. Chucky Buck

    Chucky Buck Private E-2

    Using BlueScreen View I think it is hall.dll that is causing the issue.

    072220-41078-01.dmp 7/22/2020 5:41:17 AM 0x00000133 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000501 00000000`00000500 fffff803`5e973358 hal.dll hal.dll+195b Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation 10.0.18362.752 (WinBuild.160101.0800) x64 ntoskrnl.exe+1c23c0 C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\072220-41078-01.dmp 4 15 18362 1,604,900 7/22/2020 5:44:12 AM
  6. _nullptr

    _nullptr Major Geeky Geek Geek

    Any chance you can make the dumps publicly available?
  7. Chucky Buck

    Chucky Buck Private E-2

    What's the largest file they will let you upload here. I may need to split the zip file unless the limit here is small. It is 126mb zipped and almost a gig unzipped.
  8. Chucky Buck

    Chucky Buck Private E-2

    I may be able to load it to an ftp. I can't come up with anything else.
  9. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION: 0x00000133, usually a bad driver causing a data logjam, it's not hal.dll at fault, though it might be the one reporting the timeout.

    I think the limit for zipped logs is pretty small here, ~3MB? That should be fine for a zipped minidump.
  10. Chucky Buck

    Chucky Buck Private E-2

    I know I have narrowed this issue down. It seems to be a Seagate Barracuda 2TB hard drive st32000542as dated at 11054. Couldn't sleep much last night, I started my night off by running one hard drive with a basic setup. I removed everything I could remove. A very large accomplishment for this box. It is running 12 hard drive of various sizes.

    Most of the time this error would happen with-in just minutes. Striped down it ran like it shout for a couple of hours with a significant load.

    I got down to putting this drive in and it went down at about 5 minutes in. I still moved ahead. I removed that drive then kept on putting in the rest of the drives. Full circle I had no problems and this one was all that was left. I put it back in and it shuts down again pretty fast.

    Now, I have 4 of these drives installed. But this one is the issue. Bought at a seperate time but it has been in the system now for 5 years. Disk check shows no issues. Firmware is up to date. What else can I check or should I just chunk it?
  11. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Good troubleshooting!

    Yes, I can see how a 'bad' drive could trigger a BSOD like that:
    The DPC watchdog detected a prolonged run time at an IRQL of DISPATCH_LEVEL
    or above.!

    A drive that's choking isn't going to do anything fast enough for a modern OS.

    I don't see that wasting time running more tests will help, just get the valuable data saved away from that drive as quickly as you can (overnight? several nights?) and replace it.
  12. Chucky Buck

    Chucky Buck Private E-2

    I have pulled everything from it. System has had not a single shutdown since I removed it. I had some files that have disappeared however I found them using my Deepspar unit. I have also saved a forensics backup sector by sector. To another drive for safe keeping in case I find something missing I still have a chance.

    Here is the thing I am puzzled by. Deepspar finds no issue with this drive. I went further and got the same from my UltraDock which shows that smart is fine, spindles,VCM, all VCS checkout and the heads are good. Acoustics are within parameters of tolerances and electrical is perfect. I have double checked today but I also checked before my post here.I did a full check of the Actuator and it's assembly which is fine. Tomorrow I plan and checking the preamp. If nothing else comes up with this drive I do have one close at hand with a date code very close I may try to swap some parts back and fourth to see what happens.

    I really HATE to know there is some type of issue but I am not able to finger it. Unless someone can suggest something I maybe have over looked.
  13. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    HDDs are always tricky to diagnose, POST and drive stats only go so far, there's no way they can cover all potential faults, no 100% coverage/accuracy software diags that I know of. Better to use your time elsewhere :)
  14. Chucky Buck

    Chucky Buck Private E-2

    We can close this out. I need to post more. I am in here but not really posting. Thanks everyone for your input.
    satrow likes this.

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