We All Float Down Here...

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Wenchie, Oct 13, 2024.

  1. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    Can we talk about this for a second? *Gets on the soap box*

    It feels like everyone suddenly thinks they're an expert on mental health and social media is practically vomiting tips on mindfulness, self-care, and that ever-popular “just breathe” nonsense.

    One minute, we’re all pretending to have our lives together, and the next, mental health, Autism, and ADHD are the hottest TikTok trends. What gives? Why is this happening?

    Maybe it’s because we’ve all been through collective trauma thanks to the pandemic, and we’re finally realizing that pretending everything’s fine isn’t working anymore. But as someone who’s navigated this minefield since before it was cool, it feels like a lot of people are just faking it for the likes. Meanwhile, those of us with actual issues are getting pushed aside, feeling dismissed. It’s like the more “special” everyone claims to be, the less special we actually are. And good luck getting the help you need when all the trend-chasers are hogging the resources—kind of like influencers causing a shortage of diabetes medication because they’re using it to shed a few pounds.

    Thanks for letting me rant about that for a second. On one hand, I love that we’re finally talking about mental health. On the other, I can’t stand the tone it’s taking. What are your thoughts?
  2. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Yeah. YouTubers are like this. Bashing people. Exaggerating. Complaining about a lack of views. They get more views sometimes than others. But they still say they don't. Yet I supported this one guy for 4 years. Then if 200 watched him, why not 400? 600? You know? Barking to 'get more people in here'. It just ended up being obvious that it was going to his head.

    I tried to be a YouTuber and I used to feel a bit jealous that I said the same stuff they did, yet nobody watched me. Just felt like I was buried. It's a cesspool. But if you watch productive things like recipes or health tips, it's beneficial.

    Not into TikTok, because it encourages idiots to be stupid, do unsafe challenges, and people have even died. But for just fun stuff, it's okay.
  3. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    What was your youtube channel about? I had one a long time ago for my video game guild. But we stopped raiding, so I stopped.
  4. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I just talked about horror games. But that Aussie kept subscribing with hidden accounts. Google is dumb in that they only prevent comments being posted by the profiles you block. They can still find out when you upload a video or go live.
  5. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private E-2

    For some reason or other, people have become less tolerant over the last fifty or sixty years, and the internet has exacerbated this, giving everybody a readily-accessible, worldwide soapbox. Not everybody needs to be heard from, especially the idjits opining on topics of which they have no real knowledge.

    This, I think, goes with the original idea posted above: there are loud, obnoxious people out there who seem to believe (and I question the sincerity of most) that everyone has to have "issues" of some sort...just so that they can feel better about themselves. This does make things more difficult for those such as myself who do have real, long-term problems.

    "There, but for the grace of God, go I" does NOT have to be a public display.
  6. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    There's a famous YouTuber and troll I supported. Michael Does Life. A "game reviewer" who doesn't even really like most games.

    I donated tons of cash to him with Super Chat. It's a YouTube feature where your comment is read out. But then he began acting like a jerk towards his fans. His outbursts actually used to be funny. Rather amusing, in fact. Then I don't know why he changed, but he started getting more agitated and acting like someone with bipolar. Calls people names and demands more donations and views. When to be honest, these need to be earned.

    He is incredibly lucky to have the viewership he does, despite repeating the same crap. Others struggle, yet can maintain their composure.

    Really, every stream has the same quips and recycled thumbnail of him holding a game cover. But his attitude just started to decline. I got called a loser.

    His ex pal Dillon in the Details did a stream about their friendship ending, and he wondered why he was insulting me, the Good Senator, and other followers. But I don't care. I just watch other people's content now.
  7. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private E-2

    News Flash!

    Stupid CAN be fixed!

    There are only two problems: 1, the method necessary can get you a murder sentence, and 2, it has to be done before they've bred.

    Cooper: watching other people can be fun, especially when they finally get their comeuppance!
    Cooper likes this.
  8. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    That Australian certainly isn't very mature for his age. But this is evident all over the web. Nerds fighting over pop stars. Politics. Film stars. OnlyFans sluts. Like, why waste your time caring about famous people or slags that just use your cash and laugh at the so-called simps?

    It's sad.

    Oh, Taylor Swift sucks. But I like (insert ho).

    Just like what you like, regardless of peer pressure.

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