Weird floaty things

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Grimshaw, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. Grimshaw

    Grimshaw Private E-2

    I've had these weird floaty things on my screen since I've started surfing MajorGeeks. They all say "If you can read this - Please PM Major Attitude". They are varying text sizes and colours.

    Any ideas?
  2. Grimshaw

    Grimshaw Private E-2

    Phew! This was just adding to my crazy day. :confused
    Thanks! :cool
  3. butterfly123

    butterfly123 Private E-2

    Well, they're very do we get them to stop??
  4. aliceaod

    aliceaod Private E-2

    I got the same thing, I think it's an April Fool's joke.
  5. butterfly123

    butterfly123 Private E-2 it funny???...........Oh well, guess each to his own.
    Not the best way to win friends and influence people..........hope they got permission to do it at least.
  6. aliceaod

    aliceaod Private E-2

    Best April Fool's joke I got today...and the most clever I've seen yet.
  7. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

    No they didn't! And when I find out who did this they are FIRED!
  8. mikkh

    mikkh Private First Class

    Well it's been April 2nd for nearly an hour here, so STOP IT :crybaby

    like Queen Victoria, one is not amused
  9. aliceaod

    aliceaod Private E-2

    Well, I hope you give them a parting .gif at least, I thought it was rather clever.
  10. Corporal Punishment

    Corporal Punishment Administrator Staff Member

    Now THATS funny.
  11. tezz

    tezz Private E-2

    Well I have just wasted time trying to find this out.
    Thought it was something to do with the fact that I have recently joined.
  12. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

  13. Cat_w_9_lives

    Cat_w_9_lives Major KittyCat

    Welcome to MajorGeeks Tezz and Happy April Fools' Day :)

    I knew it was a joke and still tried to catch one and click on it. LOL Thought it might do something else too - yep I'm a fool. *laughs and scampers off* Looks like you all had some fun today.
  14. tezz

    tezz Private E-2

  15. Cat_w_9_lives

    Cat_w_9_lives Major KittyCat

    Cheers Tezz, sleep well and with no "floaty things" LOL
  16. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    Do you realise how many people were on READ & RUN ME FIRST last nightroflmaoLOL
  17. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Must have missed it. Oh well, anyone have a screen shot?

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