whar is what is fix_pack106f_287.exe?

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by anartist, Aug 6, 2011.

  1. anartist

    anartist Private E-2

    It seems to have appeared when I was downloading an art deco image from google images -- I was hijacked
    to http//www1.firstbrscaner.rr.nu and it seems to have affected my windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file. The dirty bird seems to be fix_pack106f_287.exe. WinPatrol alerted and I rejected changes but it said could not change. Also I could not tell what the file looked like before. The new version has a list of hundreds of scuzzy sites all from IP

    What do I need to do?:
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    These are sites blocked by your hosts file. If you want us to check for malware on your system, please do the following:

    READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide
  3. anartist

    anartist Private E-2

    Thanks for replying, TimW

    I figured that out when I saw the Spyware Blaster note before and after. duh. dumb me. I thought I got it cleaned up but Avast now keeps blocking C\ windows\system32\drivers\acpi.sys

    I don't know what it [acpi.sys] is. I figure I'll run a full Avast and Malwarebytes after I finish the website job I am working on.

    Safe enough for now?

    I keep getting these dirty birds from google images -- is that particularly unsafe?
  4. anartist

    anartist Private E-2

    I just tried changing acpi.sys to acpi.xxx and it still registers as a threat with Avast but clicking 'delete' on the avast screen doesn't help
  5. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    I still need you to follow my instructions in order for me to help you.
  6. anartist

    anartist Private E-2

    I had local help to get rid of it and bring dead computer back to life. It seems it was a toss-up between overheating and wearing out this old computer and fighting this infection. But the whole thing went flatline and I thought I lost my drive after 20 hrs of intense non-stop work [except to change ice-packs] and 5 hours of infection. He tended more to the former.

    I bookmarked your link for future trouble. Avast took a copy of the file to study. And I am overworking my computer again to finish this project now that it is up again. If I finish I can get a new compute.

    Thank you again.
    Mostly I am successful fighting this crap but once before [and from google images too -- exposure to computer clap if ever was] I got something that wiped out my hard dive in a matter of a few days [coupled with overuse of old computer]

    see you again here maybe.
  7. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Thanks for letting us know. ;)

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