What are normal motherboard temperatures?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Outlawstar15a2, Jul 15, 2008.

  1. Outlawstar15a2

    Outlawstar15a2 Corporal

    What are normal temperatures for a CPU and motherboard. I have a Intel Core 2 Quad core and a yet unidentified motherboard. Is it product specific? Or is there a universal standard for normal temperatures? I checked in my BIOS and it reported the following four numbers in realtime: Processor Thermal Margin approx 32 C, Motherboard Temperature approx 48 C, ICH Temperature approx 74 C, MCH Temperature approx 66 C. I checked online and MCH seems to stand for Memory Controller Hub and ICH seems to stand for I/O Controller Hub. So are these temperatures normal? Or are they bad?

    EDIT: Also is there any really good freeware monitoring software that'll allow me to view the temperature while Windows is loaded like when I'm playing a game. I need to view the temperature as I'm playing in order to see if I'm causing overheating via stress on the CPU/Motherboard.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2008
  2. akhilles

    akhilles First Sergeant

    There's no set normal temps for a cpu. They vary from cpu to cpu. Go to intel.com and search for your cpu like Q6600 for the specs. i.e.


    Thermal Specification: 62.2°C

    If I were running this cpu, I would keep it under 60'C.

    What's your specs?

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