What makes you join a forum?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by NeoNemesis, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    This is merely for marketing purposes for my own and to help others that have forums of their own also.

    So what makes you join a forum? (i know its kind of general, but I want all the reasons)
  2. g1lgam3sh

    g1lgam3sh MajorGeek

    1. Content

    2. Style/Attitude

    3. Denizens
  3. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    Because either a) I like the community from what I've read
    b) I think I can offer somthing to the forums
    c) I have a question I need answering that hasn't been answered before
  4. Sgt. Tibbs

    Sgt. Tibbs Ultra Geek

    There are three categories of forums to which I belong. 1. They have something that interests me (shopping for broadband, cooking). 2. Friends from other sites have told me about them, so I've checked them out and decided to join because of the attitude, or the people involved. 3. I was curious about them for my own reasons (dustups at other sites, "stealing" members, etc.), and ended up joining them.

    Mostly, it's been reference from friends, though.
  5. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    Good people

    Good conversations

    Good board moderating to keep things civil and fair, and keep the trolls and flamers at bay

    Common interests
  6. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

  7. MikeH

    MikeH Specialist

    Joined this forum (only one) to try to learn about:1. computers (no prior knowledge), and 2.(these general forums) to try to learn about other ways to look at life, and get a new (and very refreshing) perspective on issues and everyday concerns. (What are trolls and flamers?)
  8. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    A real pain in the bum?
  9. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    I agree with G.T. lot of good people here, lot of smart people here. I joined because I wanted to learn more about computers, the information, help, advice, and suggestions was so helpful. I might be a bad example, this is the only forum I use on a regular basis.

    I remember the first time, I think it was the first, that I thought I had a solution for a certain thread but not sure if I should post it. So, I just sent Kodo a PM. Yes you heard right, I sent Kodo a PM and suggested that he post it........hehehe.

    In typical Kodo fashion, he let me know real quick that if I thought I had a solution for a problem to post it. I did.

    I like it here. :)

  10. MikeH

    MikeH Specialist

    Thanks, Goldfish (so, which one am I :rolleyes:
  11. sibeer

    sibeer MajorGeek

    I was first here to download Ad-aware. I thought it was a great looking site, the colours are easy on the eyes and the loosely based military format,very clever. Something screwed up my copy of Ad-aware and I couldn't update it or run it properly. I emailed MG and either Tim or Jim emailed me back with a good copy which resolved my concern. I thought that was pretty good for a guy to take time out of his busy day( they are busy aren't they?) to help me so I signed up to support the site and learn what I could to help myself. I've stayed because of the people here. The patience shown here when you guys are helping others amazes me, and the tolerance of others opinions (even if they couldn't be more wrong!) Age isn't a factor here either.
  12. pegg

    pegg MajorGeek

    I had only been a member for a real short time -- my Windows 98 5-year old computer was slowly dying and I came here looking for ANSWERS and help. I had major problems with Internet Explorer. It got to a point where I could look at this site but couldn't post anything so I'd e-mail Tim & Jim and they'd post my questions for me -- WHOA! Couldn't give up on a site that took all that extra time to help when they barely knew you. :cool:

    Mozilla Rocks! Which I learned ALL about on this forum!
  13. Anon-b946935a51

    Anon-b946935a51 Anonymized

    I love the cross section of humanity here. I'm always telling my husband that I have to check and see what my home boys are up to. Of course all the free downloads I loaded up on.
  14. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    Thanks everyone for all the feedback. Perhaps this could help anyone that wants to run a new forum.
  15. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    I think a lot join as they have a problem that needs solving. Then they stay as they think they can help others. That's how it works for me. The army ranking was intriguing also. Bazza


  16. eric06

    eric06 Sergeant Major

    i join for the community, content and conversations.
  17. Solange

    Solange Sergeant Major

    Content of the forum is what I look for first. Before I came here it was mostly games forums for people interested in the games I played with both a large off topic place, and more technical subforums for help on the games.

    What makes me stay is something different though! :) That is the people that are there! If the atmosphere is nice, then I will stay.
  18. COBRA90GT

    COBRA90GT Private First Class

    Never really thought about it before, but here is how I would rank 'em:

    1) If tech info is needed & the forum requires you to reg to "see" the posts, then I'm gonna reg! LOL :)

    2) Knowledge level in the tech forums (it's nice to see senior board members who are experts in their area and are willing to help answer tech Qs)

    3) Community "feel," somewhat related to #2. ie - willingness of others to problem solve/assist, or to just BS in the lounge area, if the forum has a lounge section

    4) Intangibles - Word of mouth; does the forum have a good reputation? Also, forum features: Are FAQs available for basic Q's? Pic hosting/attachments feature? etc

    My .02
  19. scorcer

    scorcer ajMro keGe

    Geez, got nuthin to add, I agree with what they said.
  20. jarcher

    jarcher I can't handle a title


    I need to pick one up somewhere
    figured this is a good of a place as any. . . .tee hee

    I agree on all that has been said
    (execpt for the pickn up chicks part)
  21. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    Baz touches on a VERY important point, which is how to get people to come to/find your site in the first place.

    MG, to most of the world, is a very useful download site. Most people that stop by here either never or seldom drop into the forum. Most users do NOT hang out in forums. MG has so much traffic and notice for it's main site that there are still a lot of people that find the forum because of it. If the main site didn't exist, the forum would not either. If the forum had been started up without the main site to draw people, it would probably have about 12 members.

    For any forum that intends to be more than a place where a few friends hang out, the VERY first question to ask, and solve, is how are you going to get noticed? It ain't easy.
  22. Turcoloco

    Turcoloco MajorGeek

    Hahaha...boy, why didn't I think of that? :p :)
    Too funny, at least he is realistic though, he could have said "...to pick up babes".... ;)

    I agree with what had been posted so far. Mature, friendly and tech-savvy group of people who enjoy helping others and sharing their knowledge, what more One could ask for?
    ...star17 was probably thinking 'she should be good looking too'? :)
  23. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    Well, the one Star found IS good looking. :)
  24. Turcoloco

    Turcoloco MajorGeek

    Whatt??? He really did find someone? Wow, I thought the whole thing was a joke!

    Ok, so who is it and does she have an older sis? :) :p
  25. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    I first came here because I had a problem (PC, not personal ;) ) and Chaslang and Novice have been great in helping me out. So I hung around and watched what was going on, saw a group of people who share many common interests but who are also unique in many ways too. This place is fun and everyone is cool :)
  26. Ken3

    Ken3 MajorGeek

    His 'babe' is AbbySue - one of the mods here. If you go to the members list and look at her user profile, there is a picture of her. Either Star or she can give more of their story on how they met - here and in real life.
  27. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Awww ...I could do with a good romantic story. C'mon AbbeySue....spin us a wee yarn ;)
  28. Ken3

    Ken3 MajorGeek

    For joining a forum, I was using RegCleaner (now JV16 Powertools) and was a member there only asking questions there about that program (and keeping up to date with its changes) and providing advice/help (when ever I could) on those having trouble with their computers.

    I came to MG when an other registry cleaner author who was a member here at MG starting blasting JV's Regcleaner programs' effectiveness over other registry cleaners based on test data that JV used. In one of his posts to JV, he had a link to this site - can't remember if it was the main page or the forums here. But after that, I kept coming to MG's main page for new/updated freeware I was using. [If Tim/Jim/Abby remember this thread here - apologize now for bringing up past history and memories associated with it. No need to go further on this, just providing a brief background on coming here.]

    I joined the forum when I had a question on using the Win2k computer at work - before that I was using Win95 and was a bit leary doing something which was ok on 95 before I did it on Win2k. I mainly stayed in the software forum and skimmed the Lounge before I started chiming in on a thing or two. ;)
  29. HUDIK

    HUDIK Sergeant

    Talking about this forum:

    The member/s who told me about Irfanview (couldn't see my friends graphics because they had extensions my software couldn't handle)

    AbbySue for sizing me an animated avatar of Tinkerbell (a real nice classy lady AbbySue):)

    Countless other issues solved by real knowledgable types.

    Finding out about CCleaner................

    Am perhaps a little hesitant to contribute, there are so many who know more than I do, but I have answered when sure. And I'm still learning............

    The Best Darn Download Site I Have Ever Found !!!!! :D
  30. Turcoloco

    Turcoloco MajorGeek

    wow, she is a 'general distraction' alright! Lucky you Start17, but I think I was mistaken with my guess of star17's approximate age....he is older than I thought (I thought 17 was his age, go figure! :p I had total of 9 hour sleep the last 2 days, leave me alone!! :rolleyes: )
  31. animatorStrike

    animatorStrike <a href="http://www.acrodata.com/fun/waaa.jpg">Rid

    The reasons I join are content and subject. I'm not gonna join a forum that discusses things I don't like or agree with.
  32. AbbySue

    AbbySue MajorGeeks Administrator

    GT, Ken and HUDIK...thank you for your kind words. *BLUSH* Turcoloco! Your post, although flattering (thank-you...have you 'clicked' on my title?;)), cracked me up. Oh yeah! And I don't have a sister..just brothers.:D

    The 17 represents the 17 astronauts that have been lost since the beginning of the space program.

    And yes, we did 'meet' here at MG almost 3 years ago now....gee! Where does the time go?

    @ Lev...star signed up here and posted a few times in the lounge..I bantered back and forth with him in threads...or I should say, he jumped right in with the core group at the time and we all had a blast. He had made an off-hand comment about not being able to use the PM system (which he could, just hadn't yet) so I sent him a silly PM just to be a smart-arse. He replied, I replied, he replied, I replied...switched to messenger a few days later, then talked on the phone about a week later. We had a lot of fun just chatting and joking around.

    I was in the process of getting ready to move to FL from NY and we decided to meet as I was driving within 10 minutes of his home on my way to Kissimmee. We met at an Applebee's parking lot and it was like we had known each other all our lives. My cousin was with me and she got all teary eyed just watching us...she could see and feel what was between us. We just clicked I guess you could say. Several hours later Sandi and I got back in my car and continued on our way to Kissimmee.

    Star and I talked more frequently on the phone after that and still used messenger too! lol I drove back up here to N. Florida the following weekend...he took me on a tour of the area which included visiting several beaches and then we went out to dinner. We live on what is considered an island because we are surrounded by water with the ocean about a mile away in one direction and the inter-coastal waterway roughly the same distance in the other direction...the 'tour' was beautiful and so was he...it was a wonderful weekend. He was a perfect gentleman the whole time I was here and he still is....he still opens my car door for me among many other little things he does..and he has the most magical green eyes...you should see how the lights dance in them when he's up to one of his little pranks! LOL

    That's pretty much how it all 'came to be' except to add that even though my family hasn't met him they have managed to get to know him on the phone and love him too. My oldest granddaughter (she's 7) always asks to talk to him when I'm on the phone with her and says she can't wait to meet him...she draws him pictures and mails them to us.:) When she's in a really playful mood she'll say "Grandma? Is 'that guy' there? I want to talk to him!" It's at this point that I realize I won't be talking to her much more that day because by the time they get done with all their silly antics the battery on the phone will be dead...again..LOL It's hysterical to sit here and listen to the two 'kids'.:D
  33. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Ahhhhh *sighs*......sounds wonderful. Kinda similar thing with me and my guy, but that's another story. Happy for you both :)
  34. Turcoloco

    Turcoloco MajorGeek

    So did he Kissiyyou before you got back on the road to Kissimmee? lol :p
    This much love might give me an upset stomach for a week but I am happy for you two.
    Heck the story was sweet enough for a low budget Hollywood romance flick:
    Kissimmee Konnection or Sleepless Online.... :)
  35. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Thats how me and Kodo met. :rolleyes:

    What a great story AbbySue, I am very happy for you both. :)

  36. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    Star IS 17. He needed someone more mature to balance him out.

    Hasn't worked yet, but we're still hopeful.

  37. Turcoloco

    Turcoloco MajorGeek

    So, that is how AbbySue got her groove back, huh?
  38. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    1) Style - I like GOOD software.... My favourite being VB3.x and lower.......

    This here on Xen1 is ok also because it renders nearly 100% on all browsers.....

    2) Content - I like good message bases and openness from the staff.........
  39. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    Spreading general F*ckery and Mayhem. Always.
  40. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Going forward, I will only post on here when Goddess or another user replies, as most forums really aren't that active.

    I may post on Biohaze or somewhere about gaming, should there be some genuine news to delve into. But I don't feel like being a big ranter on RE and Capcom anymore.

    For a start, if you visited an actual busy gaming site and you said blah, blah, blah about such and such, they're gonna have an answer for everything. Disagree. Say crap. Etc.

    So I just don't bother doing that anymore. Or at least not as often. Because when you turn older and see it as an opinion, it is just words on a screen. And I know Capcom basically copies people's ideas and whatnot. Like what they did with RE7 just ripping off various horror movie moments.

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