what would make a computer reboot nonstop?

Discussion in 'Software' started by N5638J, Dec 10, 2005.

  1. N5638J

    N5638J Guest

    this is the first time i have been able to get on a computer and on the internet (my backup would not work i got it to work with a old ISA modem card.) last night i desided to format and reinstall windows on my main pc. well it did not go over so well. i formated it and redid my hdd so it would only show up as one 40gig drive and not a 30gig and a 10gig. well i formated and started the setup for windows98se so i could install XP home again. well after i get almost done installing 98se it loads all the files it needs thin it restarts and shows the splash screen that says (windows 98se getting you computer ready to boot for the first time) when it shows that for like a SEC thin it reboots. (spec's are below) and its nonstop when ever it gets to that splash screen it reboots (even in safe mode) i tried changing out its hard drive with another and the same thing happens i also tried another 400watt PSU and same thing, i even tried a new motherboard and had the same thing happen and even turned down my over clocking to see it that would work. i have tried different 98se disks but got the same thing. can anyone tell me what i should do? i was going to set it up also as dual boot (windows 98se and xp home) but seeing as i cant get it to take 98se is there any way i can install XP home from dos? because i can get to the command prompt. so i need help asap
  2. rogvalcox

    rogvalcox MajorGeek

    Go into the bios and set your cd-rom drive to be the first to boot and then put your windows xp cd in that drive and restart the comp.!! Watch the screen for the "press any key to boot from cd" prompt!!

    In a nutshell...the xp cd should be bootable and initiate the setup all on it's own!! you shouldn't need a dos command, or any other platform!!

  3. N5638J

    N5638J Guest

    thanks so much i did not know that it shows that so fast i never seen it till now. its installing as we speak. but i still want to know why 98se was doing that
  4. rogvalcox

    rogvalcox MajorGeek

    My guess...without being 100% aware of EXACTLY what was going on...I'm going to say that it was having trouble getting a driver started when loading windows!!

    Hopefully that won't be a prob with the xp installed!! If it does still happen...check to make sure EVERYTHING is properly seated and connected and test your memory to make sure one of them hasn't all the sudden shot craps!!

    Hope it all comes out OK!!!!

  5. N5638J

    N5638J Guest

    it installed just fine no problems. thanks for your help ;)
  6. rogvalcox

    rogvalcox MajorGeek

    No problem...glad I could help!!!


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